Subject: Here is your Valentines Gift, Friend

Here is your Valentines Gift, Friend

February 14th, 2017 at 2:43 pm EDT

Hello Friend,This is going to be short and sweet today:1) 5% OFF any purchase for today and tomorrow only off any regular priced telescope or accessory Just use the discount code: Love5 on the shopping cart checkout page.2) Be sure to check out new ...

Guilty as charged your honour

February 12th, 2017 at 3:28 pm EDT

Hello Friend,I'm curious.How many times in a year would you say you actually use your telescope, Friend?Everyone is busy these days it seems, so getting the actual time to observe also seems to be a problem.And when you do observe or image, the windo ...

This Valentine's day tip will make you look good

February 10th, 2017 at 4:52 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Valentine's day is next week. Next Tuesday in fact.So you want to look good to your sweetie, don't you?Now, what do most men do on Valentine's day? (I'm writing mostly to the guys, but this applies to women readers too).Well they usual ...

You are going to love this new feature on the khanscope website

February 8th, 2017 at 12:10 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Everyone likes to save money.Yours truly included. I've had just introduced a new feature on the website which will do exactly that for you.It's called Daily Deals, and you'll find it right here: Go check it out right now ...

Does this sound like you?

February 7th, 2017 at 4:28 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Do you have a telescope sitting in your house but rarely take it out because it's heavy and too hard to set up?If so, that's a real shame.One of our customers, Gary found himself in exactly that situation.His telescope weighed around 30k ...

How YOU be a winner on Superbowl Sunday

February 5th, 2017 at 12:47 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Yep, I'll tell you how you could be a winner shortly.First thought, Are you a big football fan?I admit that I am not. However, I never miss Superbowl Sunday for one very good reason. Getting together with my buddy Rob and a few other gu ...

Check out this cool new video from Celestron

February 3rd, 2017 at 3:54 pm EDT

Hello Friend,If there is one thing most amateur astronomers hate doing after they set their telescope up, it's gottabe doing a star alignment and calibrating your telescope for observing.This especially sucks in the winter.Bryan Cogdell from Celestro ...

You've got to read this now

February 1st, 2017 at 9:40 am EDT

Hello Friend,Tomorrow is Groundhog day. That's when those Groundhog rodents come out of the ground and give their prognostications of how manyweeks will be left in winter.The problem is, the darn critters can't even agree amongst themselves in any g ...

Sun not shining? Perhaps this will brighten your day

January 30th, 2017 at 2:02 pm EDT

Hello Friend,It's hard to believe, but we have already come to the end of January.Where did the month go, is the question I was asking when I looked at the calendar today. January was a pretty gloomy month around these parts; the Sun was hardly out a ...

Sad tale of a Coronado solar telescope that never got used

January 28th, 2017 at 11:29 am EDT

Hello Friend,A few years ago I had a phone conversation with a long time Khanscope customer, Tom (not his real name) who lived out inin the province of British Columbia, western Canada. Tom was asking my opinion on the various models of Coronado Sola ...

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