Subject: Why they just couldn't Dew it........

Why they just couldn't Dew it........

February 12th, 2014 at 1:00 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Why don't astronomical telescopes come equipped with built in dew prevention systems? This is an entirely reasonable question, asked by reader Frank Dempsey, when I previously wroteabout the neccessity for dew protection systems, if y ...

This ones a real Plonker, mate

February 11th, 2014 at 11:18 am EDT

Hello Friend, A Plonker? Being from England originally, and having made Canada my home, at very young age, when myparents immigrated in 1970, occassionally I will use the odd British slang expression in conversation,so my apologies in advance, if y ...

This 1800 power telescope was a real piece of junk

February 10th, 2014 at 10:49 am EDT

Hello Friend, Many years ago, when I was leafing through Astronomy magazine, I came across an ad for a telescope, bya reputable company (that's what I thought anyway), advertising an 80mm refractor, and claiming that ithad been tested to focus an im ...

An offer that's tough to refuse

February 9th, 2014 at 12:26 pm EDT

Hello Friend, As I have mentioned previously, One of my personal favorite telescopes to use is the Celestron Nexstar 8 SE. Especially during the Winter months. Main reason is that it quite portable, with a decent size 200mm (8 inch) aperture, and ea ...

The worst thing that can happen to you during an observing session

February 8th, 2014 at 12:28 pm EDT

Hello Friend, I've seen this happen so many times at Star Parties, that it no longer surprises me when it does. Primarily through Schmidt Cassegrains, and refractors but Newtonians, and dobsonians are not excluded. Heck, it's even happened to me. So ...

How to Protect your instrument in Winter weather

February 7th, 2014 at 12:29 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Well, I've heard from more than a few people around Canada about just how cold it gets, wind chill and all. One question asked by Dennis Carnochan, who lives in Northern Alberta, and Kathleen Houston, from Saskatchewan was how does on ...

The telescope frosted up like a restaurant chilled Beer Mug!

February 5th, 2014 at 11:05 am EDT

Hello Friend, I have to confess. It's been one f the toughest Winters to actually out and observe. It's really cold, and windy. It takes a lot of motivation to actually step outside and look at the nightsky on some nights. The reward, if you are wil ...

The Loneliness of the Amateur Astronomer

February 4th, 2014 at 11:53 am EDT

Hello Friend, Being an amateur astronomer can be lonely at times. Often, if I am out stargazing, it's mostly a solitary pursuit. My sweetie may pop out to take a quick glanceat something that I am really excited about, once in a blue moon. And I'm o ...

If you knew, Peggy Sue.......

February 3rd, 2014 at 10:49 am EDT

Hello Friend, It was a bloody cold day, back in Clear Lake, Iowa on February 3rd 1959. And, according to the famous song, "American Pie",by singer Don Mclean, that was the day the music died.(Or more figuratively, the innocence of rock n roll) Had ...

Porcupine predicts the Superbowl winner........

February 2nd, 2014 at 11:02 am EDT

Hello Friend, Has the world gone batty? Or it is just me. Yes, today is Superbowl Sunday.. The last bastion for an excuse to drink beer, eat chicken wings, and pizzaand yell and scream, and basically act like idiots with their buddies. And see some ...

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