Subject: Your computerized equatorial mount won't work properly, if you don't do this

Your computerized equatorial mount won't work properly, if you don't do this

March 18th, 2014 at 12:07 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Stop cursing your computerized equatorial mount. What I'm about to share with you is something you really want to pay attention too. Remember the days of the flashing VCR? You know the one that would constantly flash 12:00 because i ...

The biggest mistake you can make in astroimaging

March 16th, 2014 at 11:21 am EDT

Hello Friend, It's a problem I see, over and over. People trying to take decent astroimages and getting frustrated. Why? They tend to overload their telescope's mount, with all sorts of gear, such as guidescopes, CCD cameras,digital camera's, whatev ...

Keep your pants up, this is not for the faint hearted

March 15th, 2014 at 12:20 pm EDT

Hello Friend, As a rule of thumb, you won't find trouble unless you go looking for it. So I asked Lloyd at the local coffee shop, why he would be expecting anyone to be coming with him with a knife? Especially in such a quiet, friendly town on Mani ...

How a Jesus belt buckle can save your life!

March 14th, 2014 at 11:38 am EDT

Hello Friend, When you're on the road, the sign of a Tim Horton's is like a pilgramage to Mecca might be for some folks. Ok, not exactly, but you get the idea.... For the March break, I am at my house on Manitoulin Island. It's in the central part ...

How to avoid changing eyepieces when it's colder than a woman from Siberia!

March 13th, 2014 at 12:08 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Colder than a girl from Siberia? Well, I better 'fess up here and admit I actually haven't met any women from Siberia as of late,so I might be a tad wrong on that one. However, there was this one lady I knew from Newmark ...

Why we don't sell toys, sea monkeys, or baubles..

March 12th, 2014 at 11:58 am EDT

Hello Friend, Sea Monkeys? Test tubes? Baubles? Over the years, some folks have tried to tempt me into adding things to our product line of primarily Telescopes,Binoculars, Microscopes, & Related accessories. And I have always resisted this effort: ...

They won't flush the flipping toilet!

March 11th, 2014 at 10:47 am EDT

Hello Friend Warning: This is going to be a rant, right off the bat. Monday I was travelling on the road for several hours , and had to stop a couple of times to use public bathrooms. Nothing unusual about th ...

I have a confession to make

March 9th, 2014 at 11:14 am EDT

Hello Friend, Yes, it's Sunday, and I have a confession to make. Now normally one would trot off to church Sunday morning, if one was so inclined, and head straight to the confessional. But I am not so inclined to do that, so I'm simply gonna to ha ...

Do you know these famous women in Astronomy?

March 8th, 2014 at 11:52 am EDT

Hello Friend, Caroline Herschel discovered eight comets! Being International Woman's day today, it occurred to me that in the past, there were many women of science, that were not given due credit for much of the work they did. Of co ...

It's all Smoke and mirrors: Part 2

March 7th, 2014 at 1:20 pm EDT

Hello Friend, F6.3 vrs F10? Which has more contrast.... You see, I and a friend had taken a Meade F10 SCT (set up with an f6.3 reducer) telescope and an F6.3 Meade SCT and did a side by side visual comparision. And from what we could see, the ...

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