Subject: Day 8 Clutter Clean Out - Living Spaces

Day 8 Clutter Clean Out - Living Spaces

April 27th, 2020 at 2:20 pm EDT

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Hooray! We're into our third week of our Clutter Clean Out progam! We're getting there! Past the kitchen and on to your living spaces. If you still have more to do in the kitchen, stay the ...

Day 7 Clutter Clean Out - Kitchen, Pantry & Fridge

April 26th, 2020 at 7:00 am EDT

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Yay! We're almost there! You're creating new and healthy habits with every day you cleanse your home of clutter. How are you feeling? Do you feel a shift? The past two days have been focus ...

Day 6 Clutter Clean Out - The Kitchen

April 25th, 2020 at 10:30 am EDT

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly You are doing incredible! You're a Clutter Rock star! Your feelings about "stuff" should be starting to transform. The more you confront, move, toss, and give away, the less you feel you n ...

Clutter Clean Out Week 2 Day 5

April 24th, 2020 at 7:00 am EDT

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly How's it going? You’re on to Day Five of our Clutter Clean Out Program. By now you've probably de-cluttered your entry way. The next few days you're going to get started on the kitchen. ...

Clutter Cleanse - The Entry

April 23rd, 2020 at 7:00 am EDT

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Ready to see some changes? You’re on to Day 4 of our Clutter Clean Out program. Yesterday you learned some different ways to reduce clutter. Today you're going to make some headway in de ...

Clutter Clean Out - What do De-Clutter

April 22nd, 2020 at 7:00 am EDT

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Getting clear on getting clear? You’re on to Day 3 of our Clutter Clean Out program. We're in the final planning stages. If you see things to repurpose, throw away, sell or hide, you can ...

Clutter Clean Out - Week 2, Day 2 - It's Time!

April 21st, 2020 at 7:00 am EDT

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Here we are! You’re on to Day 2 of the second week of our Clutter Clean Out challenge. Yesterday you learned why it's healthy to reduce clutter. Did you see some of the photos? Incredibl ...

Day 8 Clutter Clean Out - It's Time!

April 20th, 2020 at 10:29 am EDT

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Hooray! It’s the first day of our Clutter Clean Out! I’m ready to declutter. How about you? I’m excited for you and the commitment you've made to clean up your physical and emotional ...

Day 5 Clutter Clean Out - Grains and Pastas

April 17th, 2020 at 10:36 am EDT

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Welcome to Day 5 and congratulations on making through Phase 1 of our Clutter Clean Out! Today we're talking about grains and pastas. I don't know about you, but I grew up in an Italian fa ...

Day 3 Clutter Clean Out - Healthy Oils

April 16th, 2020 at 9:19 am EDT

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Welcome to Day 4. Today we're talking about cooking oils — both healthy and unhealthy. Feel free to share some of the things you’ve heard or read about cooking oils in our Facebook gr ...