Subject: Day 1 Clutter Clean Out - It's Time!

Day 1 Clutter Clean Out - It's Time!

October 18th, 2021 at 8:11 am EDT

View this email online if it doesn't display correctly Hooray! It’s the first day of our clutter clean out challenge! Are you ready to declutter? I’m in awe of you for making this commitment to yourself. This is important: take this challe ...

REMINDER: Week 3_Group Coaching Session. Details Inside...

October 11th, 2021 at 3:49 pm EDT

Hi Friend, Here is the zoom information. It's set to use for the next 3 weeks.  Kat is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Let's Start with You Time: Oct 4, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)         Every week on Mon, unt ...

What is intermittent fasting, and should you be doing it?

October 6th, 2021 at 2:41 pm EDT

Hi Friend, Although not new to the diet scene, intermittent fasting has gotten a lot of attention lately. You might have heard of it or maybe you know someone who’s doing it. So, what exactly is intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting means li ...

Where are you?

September 21st, 2021 at 12:54 pm EDT

View onlineHi Friend, Every day I talk to you. Mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, friends, and clients and you’re telling me you want something more. Some of you are tired and many are exhausted. I get that. You’re telling me you ...

Are you taking the right supplements for Fall and Winter?

September 8th, 2021 at 7:16 pm EDT

View onlineHi Friend, As summer winds down in the northern hemisphere, it’s time to start thinking about cold and flu season. The best way to stay healthy is to be proactive. SO HERE ARE MY TOP 4 SUPPLEMENTS FOR BOOSTING IMMUNITY Vitamin D3Supple ...

Jesus walked.

September 2nd, 2021 at 2:45 pm EDT

Hi Friend, I recently heard something interesting on a Craig Groeschel podcast. He said Jesus fulfilled 351 Old Testament prophecies during his THREE-YEAR ministry, and he never ran, sprinted, or even skipped to get from one task to the next. He was ...

Why my friend can’t lose weight

August 25th, 2021 at 7:31 pm EDT

View onlineHi Friend, I was visiting with a friend recently and we started talking about health. She was picking my brain to see if I had any insights about why she couldn’t lose weight. She eats healthy most of the time and cooks her own food. She ...


August 18th, 2021 at 11:28 am EDT

View onlineHi Friend, I’ve always been a worker. When I turned 13, I begged my parents to let me get working papers so I could get a job. At the time you had to be 15. My parents agreed. I imagine they were proud to have a daughter with a strong wo ...


August 16th, 2021 at 5:34 pm EDT

View onlineHi Friend, I’ve always been a worker. When I turned 13, I begged my parents to let me get working papers so I could get a job. At the time you had to be 15. My parents agreed. I imagine they were proud to have a daughter with a strong wo ...

Want to understand why every time you try something new, the results don’t last?

August 16th, 2021 at 1:01 pm EDT

View onlineHi Friend, Have you ever tried something new (new diet, new workout, detox, mindfulness practice, etc.), made some decent progress, and then the next thing you know, you’re right back where you started?  It’s frustrating. I could fil ...