Subject: A video you'll want to watch! How to show UP!

A video you'll want to watch! How to show UP!

August 31st, 2021 at 1:13 pm EDT

Hi beautiful!!!! How are you??? I wanted to pop in to say HI....and to share 3 things with you...2 of which are time sensitive..... First....replays for all the videos are still up....and come down (will be removed from the group) tonight. It's alwa ...

Ascension Coach & Healer Certification is now open!!!!!

August 26th, 2021 at 9:12 pm EDT

Hi beautiful!!!! Gabriel and I are SUPER to announce that the doors to our Ascension Coach Healer Certification is now officially OPEN!!!!! Have you ever felt that internal call that you're meant for something BIG....something GREAT? Something soooo ...

Where to place your focus and energy RIGHT NOW!.....

August 20th, 2021 at 9:19 am EDT

Good morning beautiful being!!!! How are you feeling today? I hope you arose feeling refreshed and aligned! There are some amazing energies swirling around us right now! I felt the boost over the past few days....and especially last night while lead ...

Thank YOU...and we are doing something VERY special.....

August 9th, 2021 at 8:38 am EDT

Hi beautiful!!!! Thank you soooooooo much for being a part of the community and our world! We soooooooo appreciate YOU!!!!! And a BIG thank you and shout out to everyone who answered my short questionnaire re frequency and style of IN-sight Letters!! ...

Question....would you rather....

July 29th, 2021 at 9:41 am EDT

Good morning beautiful!!!! How are you? I woke up around 430 this morning....thinking about all sorts of things....and felt called to write and ask you a quick question..... We are constantly evolving, shifting, up-leveling and tuning into deeper way ...

Imagine.....what if you never had to second guess yourself ever again!?!

June 30th, 2021 at 8:33 am EDT

Hi beautiful.... How are you this bright and beautiful morning?! It's a new opportunities for expansion and growth! Are you ready???? I have a question for you...something I was thinking about last we wrapped up our ...

Special Bonus Session! Tonight! Celebration & 1 Last Give-a-way!

June 28th, 2021 at 5:32 pm EDT

Hi beautiful.... How has your day unfolded?! It has been raining and sunshine all day! Aria and I danced in a beautiful rain shower yesterday and again today....sooooooo refreshing!!! And freeing! We are excited and joyful to present a Special Bonus ...

2nd Live Q&A for Thrive in 5 Intuition! tonight at 7 pm!

June 26th, 2021 at 4:20 pm EDT

Hi beautiful.... It has been a lovely, warm, rainy day....filled with clients and teaching a beautiful 2-hr workshop for our graduating Ascension Coaches and Healers!!! High vibes all around! And can't wait to share that energy with you tonight for o ...

Special Live Q&A for Thrive in 5 Intuition! 7 pm! Zoom link inside!

June 25th, 2021 at 3:45 pm EDT

Hi beautiful.... How are you today? It amazes me how quickly a week flies by when we are in Thrive in 5!!!! We are excited to connect again tonight at 7 pm EST for a Special Live Q A!!!!! You can submit questions ahead of time by emailing me, attend ...

This is your 10 minute reminder! Live - Thrive in 5!

June 24th, 2021 at 6:48 pm EDT

10 minutes!! We GO Live for GO Energy in 10 minutes!!!!!!! on Zoom for those who do not have Facebook :)See you soon! Tara Gabriel intuitive healers, spiritual guides teachers, international s ...