Subject: Two amazing, time-sensitive things I want to tell you about....

Two amazing, time-sensitive things I want to tell you about....

October 5th, 2022 at 7:32 pm EDT

Hi beautiful, radiant being!I hope you are amazing and wonderful :) I know you may be super busy.....there are soooo many moving parts in everyone's lives these days....So I'll keep this short, sweet and more direct that my usual messages.... Over th ...

Want free access to a powerful bonus session we did?

September 30th, 2022 at 5:44 pm EDT

Hi beautiful! I hope you had a loving week :) Wanted to pop in quickly before the weekend gets gift you access to a special bonus session we hosted on Thursday night! ......CREATING A THRIVING LIFE BUSINESS! There were sooooo many GR ...

Dreams, visions and mission

September 27th, 2022 at 9:21 am EDT

Hi sweet soul! How are you today?? I felt inspired to write and share some thoughts and energy I'm swirling in.....I hope it ignites a creation-spark with YOU! I'm feeling invigorated.....refreshed.....inspired by newly expanded vision! Last night ...

Creating a Masterpiece Life!

September 21st, 2022 at 2:56 pm EDT

When Gabriel and I met in 2010.....there was an immediate spark....a electric current that ran through both of us! We intuitively knew that magic was happening and that a soul-FULL life was unfolding before us! Within 6 months.....Gabriel ...

Restoring alignment when you feel out of whack.....

August 22nd, 2022 at 3:58 pm EDT

Hey Beautiful!How are YOU?! It feels like FOREVER since I wrote to you..... Time has been flying we've been fully enjoying the remainder of summer in Northern Ontario - LOTS of swimming, playing and dancing in the rain! And we've been creati ...

Have you heard the news? They are out........!!!

August 5th, 2022 at 5:44 pm EDT

Hey Beautiful!How are you??? Have you heard???!?!?!? Something very exciting happened a birthing a baby that's been in utero for over 2 years!!!!! You may have guessed it................................................................... ...

Do you think money blocks could be connected to past lives?

July 18th, 2022 at 8:54 am EDT

Hi beautiful!!!! Happy Monday! I hope you had a loving and nourishing weekend :)I wanted to touch base before we jumped into our week..... Last week, during a soulful business container session.....the following question surfaced: "Do you think money ...

It begins tonight!

July 5th, 2022 at 11:27 am EDT

Hey Beautiful!How are you? How was your weekend? We are in a BIG, shifting, highly energetic, sifting-and-sorting time period! I really felt the shift late last week....Spirit was saying that we're entering a BIG window of expansion, conscious choos ...

Have you heard about the INTUITION PRECISION Masterclass???

June 18th, 2022 at 2:06 pm EDT

Hi love! How are you? Happy Saturday!!!!!I hope you're amazing and awesome!!!! How's your intuition flowing? Are you feeling in-tune, in-touch, in a state of trusting the guidance?!? Intuition is ALWAYS with us! It's a gift given to everyone! It's re ...


June 16th, 2022 at 6:07 pm EDT

Hi beautiful!!!! How are you feeling today??? I hope amazing and awesome!!! We just got back from a few hours at the beach with the kiddos! Gabriel and I jump in too!....The river was soooooooooo chilly...and yet....I feel refreshed and invigorated! ...