Subject: SPKH: Best Practice Self-Assessment

SPKH: Best Practice Self-Assessment

November 26th, 2013 at 4:22 am AEST

Hi Friend, Do you know what spare parts management best practice looks like? Do you know how close (or how far) your spare parts management is from best practice? Do you know what to do to close that gap and get better? If you would like to definiti ...

SPKH: Achieving Best Practice Spare Parts Management

October 29th, 2013 at 1:45 pm AEST

Hi Friend, Best practice. There I said it. Two words that polarize any debate about improving spare parts inventory management. I am sure that you have either heard, read or engaged in one of these debates and know the typical questions: Just what is ...

SPKH: New Content Update

September 10th, 2013 at 8:26 am AEST

Hi Friend, Something of a quieter month with respect to new content at in August – yet there is still plenty to report!New Blog Posts Has the Internet Delivered Improved Spare Parts Inventory Management? The Inventory Cash Re ...

SPKH: Here is What's New

August 7th, 2013 at 11:47 am AEST

Hi Friend, We have had another big month since the last update on content at – this is what’s new.Game Changing Move with Online Training Due to recent growth in the subscriber base at all online train ...

SPKH: Reminder of Upcoming Webinars on Inventory Accuracy

July 19th, 2013 at 10:46 am AEST

Hi Friend, A quick reminder that we have two webinars scheduled for next week. 1. Spare Parts Inventory Accuracy & Why It Matters Maintaining an accurate MRO and spare parts inventory is without doubt a top priority issue for good inventory managers ...

SPKH: Upcoming Webinars on Inventory Accuracy

July 12th, 2013 at 10:53 am AEST

Hi Friend, A quick note to let you know that we have two webinars coming up this month. 1. Spare Parts Inventory Accuracy & Why It Matters Maintaining an accurate MRO and spare parts inventory is without doubt a top priority issue for good inventory ...

SPKH: All Online Training Now Available for No Charge

July 9th, 2013 at 1:30 am AEST

Hi Friend, As the Founder of I am very excited to announce that ALL of our spare parts inventory management online training is now available to Premium Subscribers at no charge. Yes, you read that correctly: ALL spare parts inv ...

SPKH: The Power of Mobile to Accelerate Projects

June 4th, 2013 at 3:00 am AEST

Hi Friend, Last month I was in Qatar helping a large LNG processor develop a new policy for managing their spare parts refurbishment program when I noticed something that wasn’t happening on the previous occasion that I worked with this company. D ...

SPKH: May Update

May 8th, 2013 at 1:22 am AEST

Hi Friend, April was a big month at If you weren't paying attention, here’s what you missed:New Online Calculator – we introduced a new online stock level calculator for use by Premium and Corporate Subscribers http://spare ...

SPKH: A Newer, Simpler Online ROP Calculator

April 24th, 2013 at 7:56 am AEST

Hi Friend, One question that people ask me regularly is: how do we simply calculate the ROP for spare parts when our data is inadequate or unreliable? Well, now we have a way to do just that!At we have created an online calculat ...

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