Subject: SPKH: April Update

SPKH: April Update

April 2nd, 2013 at 8:12 am AEST

Hi Friend, Recently, a reader of this newsletter, let’s call him Fred, wrote to me, frustrated at his search for relevant and usable spare parts management information. Fred had been searching on Google for information on spare parts management and ...

SPKH: Webinar Reminder

March 18th, 2013 at 7:33 am AEST

Hi Friend, If you haven't yet signed up for this month's webinars then you had better get moving because space and time is running out! (If you have signed up - well done and my apologies for the interruption) Here are the details. Webinar 1: Five ...

SPKH: Two New Webinars on Spare Parts Management

March 13th, 2013 at 7:34 am AEST

Issue #110: 13th March 2013 Hi Friend, This month, instead of sending out an article, I am conducting two webinars – one that is open to everyone and one for Premium and Corporate Members only.Webinar 1: Five Common Techniques That Should NOT Be Us ...

SPKH: Content Update

February 20th, 2013 at 9:22 am AEST

Hi Friend, Part of the feedback that we received from our survey at the end of last year was that we should, on a regular basis, advise everyone of new content. This is why I am writing to you today.For Both Free and Premium MembersFollowing a number ...

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