Subject: No hype. Just His promise. Praying with Fire Conference.

No hype. Just His promise. Praying with Fire Conference.

May 9th, 2017 at 11:10 am EDT

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: The outpouring of the Holy Spirit isn't merely an historical event. It's a present reality. We're yearning for more than another program. Another event. Another moment. We're yearning to be united in a transformi ...

Live IT: Doctor Strange and Emmaus?

April 24th, 2017 at 5:14 pm EDT

LIVE IT THIS WEEK Luke 24:13-35 Doctor Strange and Emmaus CLICK TO VIEW EPISODE Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Over 23 million Americans shelled out the bucks and spent a couple hours to spectate "Doctor Strange." That's more than the number ...

Live IT Easter Week: The Power of the Holy Spirit

April 17th, 2017 at 2:51 pm EDT

LIVE IT THIS WEEK JOHN 20:19-31 IT'S EASTER: The Power of the Holy Spirit CLICK TO VIEW EPISODE Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Lent is over! Jesus is Risen! What a glorious Easter Sunday. We hope you're basking in the glow of His magnificent ...

Live IT this HOLY WEEK: Give Your Life to Jesus Christ

April 10th, 2017 at 3:29 pm EDT

LIVE IT THIS WEEK JOHN 20:1-9 IT'S HOLY WEEK: Give Your Life to Jesus Christ CLICK TO VIEW EPISODE Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Early this morning I was awakened at 2am to post this. I share it for whomever is meant to see it: No sin can t ...

Live IT this Week: Are You Smarter than a Flea?

April 3rd, 2017 at 5:12 pm EDT

LIVE IT THIS WEEK MATT 26-27 Are you smarter than a flea? CLICK TO VIEW EPISODE Holy Week is almost upon us. An abundance of grace is pressing in on us. Are you ready for it? Do you want to watch from the sidelines, or do you want to get in there? ...

Live IT this Week: Lazarus and Minions (According to Grace)

March 27th, 2017 at 1:56 pm EDT

LIVE IT JN 11:1-45 "Untie him and let him go." Jesus raised Lazarus. Why didn't he unbind him? It's an interesting question. Here's Grace's amusing but insightful take on the subject, incorporating her favorite, little friends, the Minions (GO) ...

Live IT this Week: 48 Hours

March 21st, 2017 at 4:31 pm EDT

LIVE IT THIS WEEK | JN 9:1-41 "One thing I do know is that I was blind but now I see." What are you doing in the next 48 hours? Let's back up. This past Sunday David shared: "I'm an alcoholic." His story followed. In the 14 years that followe ...

Live IT this Week: Streams of Living Water

March 13th, 2017 at 1:44 pm EDT

LIVE IT THIS WEEK | JN 4:5-42 "The water I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." Dear Friends-- Which of us do not yearn for a spring of living water within us, welling up to eternal life? I do. We're blessed ...

Live IT this Week: Be Healed [Retraction]

March 6th, 2017 at 12:06 pm EDT

In our recent email we reported that Fr. Steve was sent to the Churchh of the Resurrection to close it. This information is not accurate. Our apologies. Above all, know how truly and deeply, God loves you! Greg and Stephanie Schlueter Greg@MassImpa ...

Live IT this Week: Be Healed

March 6th, 2017 at 10:43 am EDT

LIVE IT THIS WEEK | MT 17:1-9 Jesus came and touched them saying, "Rise, and do not be afraid..." Two weeks ago we conducted a Parish IGNITION at Church of the Resurrection in Lansing. Hundreds participated. It was powerful. Fr. Steve Mattson and t ...

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