Subject: ☃ Live IT this Week: Christmas and Other Fairy Tales

☃ Live IT this Week: Christmas and Other Fairy Tales

December 19th, 2016 at 11:32 am EDT

LIVE IT THIS WEEK John 1:1-18 | EMMANUEL! TAKE THIS SHORT SURVEY on "Spiritual Leadership of Your Home." See how others are responding! Very interesting! It's one week before Christmas. This week, just do IT (Image the Trinity, that is!). Receiv ...

♨ Live IT this Week: Big Unveiling!

December 5th, 2016 at 4:35 pm EDT

WE'RE TAKING OFF WITH NEW WEBSITE LIVE IT THIS WEEK Matt. 11:2-11 | Prepare the Way! QUICK COMMERCIAL: PLEASE HELP GIVE PRESENCE in 2017. GO HERE: GoFundMe/givepresence NOW THE MAIN MESSAGE: We can transform this region for Jesus C ...

♨ Live IT this Week: Catholic MEN in the GAME! [+Last hours for Presence for Christmas Discount]

November 28th, 2016 at 2:50 pm EDT

ONLY A FEW HOURS LEFT for DISCOUNT! GO: Presence for Christmas LIVE IT THIS WEEK Matt. 3:1-12 From Greg Schlueter: Recently a number of Catholic brothers and I were gathered together. We were discussing the latest news. (Yeah. What a mess!) This led ...

LAST DAY DISCOUNT! Presence for Christmas 2016

November 26th, 2016 at 7:00 am EDT

DISCOUNT REGISTRATION ENDS TODAY! $5 PERSON (usual $10) $20 HOUSEHOLD (usual $30) Presence for Christmas | Light the City WHEN: Thursday, December 1 | 5:30pm WHAT: Meal. Message. Amazement. Coffeehouse. WHERE: St. John's Jesuit High School and ...

Live IT this Week: Thanksgiving! [+TestimonY]

November 21st, 2016 at 3:44 pm EDT

LIVE IT THIS WEEK Matt. 24:37-44 From Greg Schlueter: I prayed for greater gratitude. Then I was the last of seven to take a shower. Cold. Very cold. And I was immediately made aware of my entitlement. Hot water was something I expected. God often w ...

Live IT this Week: Gandalf, Gollum and Righteousness [+TestimonY]

November 14th, 2016 at 2:54 pm EDT

LIVE IT THIS WEEK | Luke 23:35-43 From Greg Schlueter: The lingering clouds from this election reveal something symptomatic of our culture. Perhaps even our own souls. We're so inclined to take sides. To point fingers. To be assured of our righteous ...

Live IT this Week: God Speaking through Majestic Beauty [+TestimonY]

November 7th, 2016 at 11:33 am EDT

LIVE IT THIS WEEK | Luke 21:5-19 From Greg Schlueter: It was just a few days ago. I awoke to the early morning sun illuminating the majestic beauty of Fall. I "had" to get my drone in the air and capture our back woods from above... which you'll see ...

Live IT this Week: Election Edition [+NEW Testimonial Section!]

October 31st, 2016 at 4:15 pm EDT

LIVE IT THIS WEEK | Luke 20:27-38 Bishop Daniel Thomas led a Eucharistic procession to Toledo's abortion clinic. The heights of heaven visited the caverns of earth. It was a powerful contrast. This week Jesus wants us to consider our lives from the p ...

Live IT this week: Who's the "Zacchaeus" in your life?

October 24th, 2016 at 1:26 pm EDT

LIVE IT EVENTS EVERY DAY: Holy Spirit Prayer 12:05p (Calendar) 10/25 IGNITE St. Jerome (Walbridge) 6:30p 10/25 IGNITE Radio Live! 8p Annunciation Radio MARK IT! Presence for Christmas, December 1 (details soon!) IGNITE RADIO LIVE! 8pm JOIN US for a ...

Live IT this week: Who's behind the mask?

October 18th, 2016 at 3:25 pm EDT

BUILD THE KINGDOM EVENTS 10/18 IGNITE St. Peter (Huron) 6:30p 10/18 IGNITE Radio Live! 8p Annunciation Radio 10/19 IGNITE Holy Trinity (Assumption) 7p 10/19 IGNITE Most Blessed Sacrament 6:30p IGNITE Radio LIVE! @8pm Do you want your home and pari ...

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