Subject: I accidentally hurt someone.

I accidentally hurt someone.

October 19th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

How can I still love myself now? When you've been incongruent with do you still love yourself? I received a hurt and angry email from someone I care about. Someone who usually tells me they find my emails helpful and inspiring. They s ...

Burnout or Joy?

October 12th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

Which do you choose? Are you creating burnout or joy for yourself? When you look after yourself, it feels good. When you don't, it feels bad. It's so, SO simple. Looking after yourself creates joy and not looking after yourself creates burnout, depr ...

This is your power.

October 5th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

And how to use it. Are you using your power? I can't believe it's been twenty-six years! Twenty-six years that I've been helping people untangle themselves from decisions they regret and empower themselves with new ones. It doesn't feel that long to ...

The day it all changed.

September 28th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

Because I offered her breakfast... The day I offered her breakfast...  She says that was the day everything changed for her. And she suddenly understood this self-care thing. She had rushed into my therapy room late, looking harassed and speaking ...

No! Don't do it!!

September 21st, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

It's going to make you miserable! Nooooooo!!!! Have you ever watched someone make a bad decision and not been able to stop them? Years ago, my dear friend was offered a promotion at her toxic job. It was one of those places that completely abused ...

Something good is coming...

September 14th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

You just need to keep taking little steps towards it. In case you somehow missed this...New course starts Saturday 17th September. 35 CPD points [including 5 Ethics] from HPCSA 38 CCE units from International Coaching Federation REGISTRATION CLOSES ...

When you try...and fail 😔

September 7th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

How do you love yourself then? How do you love yourself after you fail? When I was younger, I was so scared of failing that I wouldn't even try something if I wasn't sure I'd be good at it. That's a very limiting way to live life. We often tie our s ...

This makes me FURIOUS!!

August 31st, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

It's a false story. I'm so tired of this story!I really am sick of hearing it! “Put other people first.” I know it's supposed to be all 'world peace' and 'kumbaya', but that story is essentially just telling you that you’re worthless. That oth ...

Did you mean the free training?

August 25th, 2022 at 2:04 am MDT

Hi. You just signed up for my weekly I Love Myself Letter. I'm delighted you did. I've been having some website problems, so I want to check, did you also mean to sign up for the free training for therapists, doctors, coaches and healers that I'm off ...

It's not that,

August 24th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

it's this. Self-care isn't only that. We mostly think self-care is stuff we DO. Like taking time off, having massages, eating well and exercising... And it is. But it also isn't. Self-care is not so much what you do. It's more about an attitude. It' ...