Subject: when business consulting does not cost you extra money?

when business consulting does not cost you extra money?

September 9th, 2021 at 3:00 pm EEST

The business consultant is a specialist who gives you guidelines, strategies and advice related to the development of your business. In addition, usually the consultant helps you with specific decisions and guidelines by literally telling you "exactl ...

see how you lose money by working with everyone

August 5th, 2021 at 3:00 pm EEST

If your first reaction to the subject of this email is that there is a mistake, then after seeing the video below, you will be convinced that there is no mistake… and you will see how you may be losing money in your business if you really try to wo ...

you may not like this question but….

July 8th, 2021 at 3:00 pm EEST

Do you take enough actions to attract new clients? Friend, you see, most business owners do not like to do marketing and sales. And there are different reasons for that. The result is that they do nothing to attract clients and just wait. But rarely ...

I have a website and a social media profile, but no clients are calling me. What should I do?

June 10th, 2021 at 3:00 pm EEST

Hi, Friend, This is a question I received from one of my subscribers some time ago. And I'm sure many small business owners are in a similar situation… Because a lot of businesses do just that: they make a website, they create a page on Facebook, o ...

more certificates will not bring you more clients

May 13th, 2021 at 3:00 pm EEST

Hi, Friend, Today's post is valid for any business, but is especially important for anyone who personally serves clients: consulting business owners, coaches, beauty salon owners, architects and interior designers, holistic healers, etc. And if you'r ...

how to overcome your fears (practical steps)

April 8th, 2021 at 3:00 pm EEST

Hi, Friend, Do you sometimes feel that you are sabotaging yourself when there are good opportunities in front of you to change your life and your business? We all have fears and very often these fears stop us from making the changes that are so impor ...

hiring the right people

March 11th, 2021 at 3:00 pm EEST

Hi, Friend, One of the biggest problems of all business owners is finding and keeping the right people on their team. If you work with the coolest and most effective people in the world, that's great and accept my congratulations. However, if you are ...

Can your business run without you?

February 18th, 2021 at 3:00 pm EEST

Hello, Friend, If you are already successful in your business, you may be one of these entrepreneurs who are satisfied with their income, but are overwhelmed with work and do not have time for the most important things in their life: to spend time wi ...

how to delegate successfully

February 4th, 2021 at 3:00 pm EEST

Hello, Friend, Today I point out your attention to the topic of delegation…. From today’s article on my blog you will discover specific tips on how to delegate… So that you can have more free time for the more strategic things in your business. ...

you won’t have results by just being productive

January 21st, 2021 at 3:00 pm EEST

Hello, Friend, Many trainers, business coaches and personal development speakers teach us that: To have results, you have to be productive so that you can work more! Let’s say it directly: This is not true! You can be productive all day and all wee ...