Subject: The question I ask myself every year...

The question I ask myself every year...

August 20th, 2022 at 11:34 am MDT

View online August is almost over, and we’re in the last half of 2022. This means summer break is almost over, if you have kids, and if you don't, maybe this time of year is when you look at the gas pedal for the rest of the year… This time of th ...

Starts in 24 Hours!!!

August 16th, 2022 at 3:40 pm MDT

View online We run quarterly momentum masterminds for our members, and they’re the highlight of our calendar! If you’re suffering from some FOMO and aren’t inside our Academy yet to enjoy Momentum, the diamond edition, fear not! You can jump in ...

My most deadly and formidable opponent...

August 16th, 2022 at 11:22 am MDT

View online Like ever... Believe it or not, I've been in some pretty tough confrontations before... Do you know what it was that was so tough an adversary? Fear... When I became an Entrepreneur I was afraid of what I might grow into... I mean I ...

I wished someone asked me this sooner...

August 12th, 2022 at 11:30 am MDT

View online This ONE question: Do you care more about where you'd be in a year from now...or in the next 10? If I knew what the correct answer would've been I know EXACTLY what I would've done with the knowledge I have now... So how about you? RE ... missed out?

August 10th, 2022 at 11:41 am MDT

View online If you didn't get back in touch with me time yesterday you missed out... Yesterday at 6 pm MST time the doors shut for the SOLUTION SUMMIT... While we are gearing up for DAY 2 TODAY... Same time today at 6 pm MST... Although you m ...

Meet your speakers!

August 9th, 2022 at 2:15 pm MDT

View online It goes down at 6 pm mountain time! My personal mentors that I've learned from over the years: Rebekah Femia: a 7 figure business coach who supports women (like me) across the globe to release the stories of sabotage, and victimhood to ...

How do you spend your evenings and weekends?

August 8th, 2022 at 11:22 am MDT

View online Here's the problem the masses have: They live for the time of the week they're away from the highest place of service in their life... Because they aren't really all that involved in what they're doing in this first place... Maybe it's ...

The income-ing solution!...(part 1)

August 6th, 2022 at 10:49 am MDT

View online I'm inviting you to a special event happening soon: The solution summit! Ok...what I'm going to say is controversial... But it's a long way to the elections... Regardless of who your man (or potentially woman) is, you need to understa ...

Discover your zone of genius....

August 4th, 2022 at 11:39 am MDT

View online ....That's the key to life fulfillment... Here's what lead to mine... There are 2 camps of people: One believes success is born. The other believes success is made. (I personally lean more to the latter than the former). I was born in a h ...

This Manifestation Hack Will Change the Game for You✨

July 31st, 2022 at 12:16 pm MDT

View online Insert desire instead of want in your manifestation practice, and watch what happens. When it comes to manifestation, putting energy behind our language is PIVOTAL. Most people don’t realize that when they think they’re manifesting ...