Subject: What it takes to make your dreams work...

What it takes to make your dreams work...

November 17th, 2022 at 11:49 am MDT

View online Here's the ONLY thing you need to do: Give yourself enough time to complete it... When people quit on things it's because the success they were looking for wasn't on their timetable... This was what some of my peers told me back in the ...

The 2 types of people recessions hurt the most....

November 13th, 2022 at 11:55 am MDT

View online Ignorance is bliss? Not always. Here's who will get hurt the most: The arrogant(ill-informed)...the lazy...the over-leveraged... The over-leveraged/ill-informed: Over-leverage applies to any profession: You may afford your lifestyle ...

Sending Love for tomorrow.....

November 10th, 2022 at 11:59 am MDT

View online I'll be honest... I NEVER would've thought I would ever have the type of freedom that I do now... This comes at a special time of the year... When millions of lives generations ago were lost to preserve the freedom we have now... ... ...

Unpaid commission...

November 9th, 2022 at 11:50 am MDT

View online The more mistakes you make...the costlier your life becomes. May mentor told me this once. And he also said this: Money is everywhere just have to look at what creates it...and use it to create more of it . You see wh ...

You could be doing it wrong...

November 5th, 2022 at 12:15 pm MDT

View online If today was yet another day where you didn't: Have financial freedom Location Freedom Time Freedom Then you're doing it wrong... (Hint: you can still love what you do...and have all of the above...if you don't have all of the ...

What duplication looks like...

November 1st, 2022 at 11:47 am MDT

View onlineBy celebrating the wins of our tribe, we keep ourselves motivated and support each other. Even when things aren't going our way, we get to stay focused on making progress. On a recent call, we shared about staying focused on duplication. ...

How to get out of a motivational slump...

October 28th, 2022 at 12:06 pm MDT

View online Why don't you have what you want in life right now? For most, it's fear. Most of all, it's fear of rejection. And before you say But Carole, I don't have any fears... , consider this: If you sincerely had no fear, you would have already t ...

Zero to Hero... (here's what I did)

October 24th, 2022 at 11:56 am MDT

View online It's true...I have the magic sauce... The right system, the right connections, the proper training... There's something else I have that some others don't...(Read to the end) and it wouldn't even matter if those other things above were ...

You Owe You!

October 20th, 2022 at 11:50 am MDT

View online What are the things you are the most compelled to give to? Commonly these are charities, family members, and our closest friends... There's a reason for this (which I'll address in a moment)... I have ALWAYS been a prolific donator to ...

Sunday Surprise...

October 16th, 2022 at 11:43 am MDT

View online I normally don't send messages today... But under the circumstances I thought this would be the most appropriate: There was a time, when I was a nurse, that I actually worked a lot of Sundays... I gave up time on the weekends to do a p ...