Subject: 7 sobering facts about alcohol

7 sobering facts about alcohol

July 27th, 2021 at 12:11 pm BST

So I had a pretty heavy weekend and the effects of the alcohol are still lingering in my body. So I decided to look up some alcoholism-related facts to share with you in the hopes you learn from my mistake and are aware of the dangers before you get ...

She got a foot stuck in her eye 🤢

July 22nd, 2021 at 8:25 pm BST

Storytime... Back when my girlfriend was working in a beauty salon in her home town (before she started her own). She was doing a pedicure treatment. While filing a lady's foot, a huge dry flake of skin flicked up and flew through the air, rotating b ...

I got drunk with Hippies, criminals, and internet millionaires

July 20th, 2021 at 11:42 am BST

This internet bizness journey has taken me on a wild ride. From working with convicted criminals, dinners with millionaires to breakfasts with a hippy. Today I want to tell you about the hippy. I first met him at a private event a few years back. It ...

I've been scammed and cheated... What now?

July 12th, 2021 at 10:32 am BST

A subscriber emailed me the following... ========================== I’ve been at this since Dec 2016 and have spent a lot of money trying systems, I’ve been lied to, mislead, scammed and cheated. I’ve sat through Clickbank university, Aspire, ...

Half the year has gone... what have you done?

July 2nd, 2021 at 9:47 am BST

I will not sugarcoat this... I'm going to give it to you hard and raw ;) but you may not like it. We're already halfway through the year. How have you done with the resolutions and goals you set for 2021? Chances are not as good as you'd hoped right? ...

2,723 bux a month selling p*ssy 👀

June 23rd, 2021 at 3:53 pm BST

I just came across a dope kyash producing site that I found interesting. They make 2,723 bux a month selling p*ssy products. (it's not what you think) Basically, they sell everything cat-themed. They dropship a variety of cat-themed jewellery, acces ...

Not even the Pope could stop this...

June 17th, 2021 at 3:12 pm BST

First things first... I couldn't give a flying Chihuahua poop about how emotionally invested you are to the Pope. I'm here for munney, marketing, and freedom. As you should be. And this amazing thing called the internet can give you all 3 and the pop ...

5 steps to success with info publishing

June 16th, 2021 at 11:02 am BST

These 5 steps have lasted the test of time. No matter what happens in the future, they'll still be relevant. Whether virtual reality takes over, Facebook decides to rule the world or the internet itself ceases to exist These 5 steps will work because ...

Why overthinking's ruining your biz

June 15th, 2021 at 10:00 am BST

I've actually sat here for a f**king hour. Reading and researching an article about a failed influencer so I had something interesting to write to you today Then I thought is it even a good article? I was looking for an angle, thinking up how I was g ...

The Amazing Tale of Don the Talking Dog

June 14th, 2021 at 10:00 am BST

In the early 20th century, the theatrical variety entertainment shows known as “vaudeville” were all the rage. Having its origins in France, the shows became popular all over Europe and in North America. It was a bunch of unrelated acts under the ...