Subject: Feeling the Monday Blues?

Feeling the Monday Blues?

October 11th, 2021 at 11:14 am BST

It feels like the weekend is too short, huh? You know deep down you're not happy with being woken up by your alarm to go do a job that doesn't excite you. But you have bills to pay, right? You spend the most productive hours of your day slaving away ...

Why my poo don't stink

October 6th, 2021 at 11:27 am BST

So this morning I was thinking about you on the toilet... Well not about you being on the toilet, but instead I was on the toilet while thinking about you... Either way, it doesn't sound great does it... Anyway, have you ever noticed that while you'r ...

My List Of 20 Rules For a not shyt life

October 5th, 2021 at 12:32 pm BST

We have just under 3 months left of this year. Don't wait until January to get started on your goals. Start today and build momentum so come January you're already ahead. So to give you a head start. Here are my 20 rules to not living a shyt life. As ...

Discover My secret BD x BC formula

October 4th, 2021 at 1:28 pm BST

Is there even a formula for success or is it just something people say when they want you to buy their shyt? The funny thing is I believe there is a formula... (Kinda) I like to look at what successful people actually do, not just say. And I think on ...

They're going to kill you

September 21st, 2021 at 12:24 pm BST

After my email yesterday it prompted a scary thought that sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. But it could be our reality and how they (the elites) could reduce the global overpopulation problem. So here's my thinking... If the gove ...

Are you pro or anti-vaxx 👀

September 20th, 2021 at 3:55 pm BST

Is it just me or does shyt feel like it's getting scary? Something just doesn't feel right. We're more divided than ever, big pharma is trying to inject our kids for profit, politicians are trying to control us more than ever and it feels like our fr ...

Don't Let This Chain Choke You

August 16th, 2021 at 8:51 am BST

Have you ever been strangled by a chain? Imagine this scenario You're standing right in front of a massive red button that if you press it you could have any wish you want. Whether it's a million bucks, the perfect body, a mansion out in the Hollywoo ...

Feeling the Monday Blues? 😔

August 9th, 2021 at 9:55 am BST

It feels like the weekend is too short, huh? You know deep down you're not happy with being woken up by your alarm to go do a job that doesn't excite you. But you have bills to pay, right? You spend the most productive hours of your day slaving away ...

Story time 📖

August 4th, 2021 at 10:57 am BST

Quick story time from my Fiancé. Below is an excerpt from an email sent to our subscribers for our membership site. It's a story from when we were launching her salon and she drops so wisdom on your dome. --- As nail technicians, I think we are perf ...

He's a scammy c*nt who doesn't give a flying sh*t

August 2nd, 2021 at 10:00 am BST

So I'm on someone (who I won't name)'s email list. I wanted to unsubscribe but there was no link for me to do so. Usually, it's always at the bottom of every email, just like it is in mine. But for some reason this guy's link was missing. I didn't kn ...