Subject: It's the return of the Mack 😉

It's the return of the Mack 😉

July 20th, 2020 at 11:32 am BST

"Oh, oh, come on, oh, yeah Well I tried to tell you so (yes, I did) But I guess you didn't know, as I said the story goes Baby, now I got the flow 'Cause I knew it from the start..." Yeah your boy is feeling like Mark Morrison right now It's the retu ...

You're hard but it's just not working? 👀

May 18th, 2020 at 10:35 am BST

Do you ever feel like you're trying really hard and nothing seems to be going your way? Yeah I know the feeling. But when I take a magnifying glass and really look at my actions I found that I'm not actually doing the tasks that will lead me to the r ...

I've been scammed and cheated... What now?

May 11th, 2020 at 1:08 pm BST

A subscriber writes to yours truly... ========================== "I’ve been at this since Dec 2016 and have spent a lot of money trying systems, I’ve been lied to, mislead, scammed and cheated. I’ve sat through clickbank university, Aspire, [ ...

Is this dude a complete failure?

May 4th, 2020 at 3:03 pm BST

If you failed at your job over 9000 times what would happen? You would get the boot and kicked to the curb real quick... Time to start looking for for a new job Nobody wants a chronic failure like that on the team! They would just drag everyone down. ...

The 5 Steps to infopreneurdom

April 29th, 2020 at 10:13 am BST

These 5 steps have lasted the test of time and no matter what happens in the future they will still be relevant Whether virtual reality takes over, Facebook decides to rule the world or the internet itself ceases to exist These 5 steps will work beca ...

You're Going To Die... And That's Great

April 14th, 2020 at 11:12 am BST

So I'm sat here at my desk thinking how crazy this whole pandemic situation is. The world almost feels like it has stopped moving, No flight's, no meeting friends, no meals out, no night's out, no hugs, no date's. It's just a strange time we are in. ...

Not even Trump can stop this

March 15th, 2020 at 6:00 am BST

Now I couldn't give a flying dog turd about your political position so get outta hear "wid dat shyt" I'm here for munney, marketing and freedom And this amazing thing called the internet can give you all 3 There is not one person on earth, president, ...

Are You Following Newbies in Guru Clothing?

March 14th, 2020 at 12:49 pm BST

It's a violent virus spreading like Covid-19 throughout the world. Every wanna be guru is reading a cow crap "get rytch quick" report then re-writing it in their own words and claiming ex-spurt status It makes me sick to the pit of my gut... But it's ...

Why Being Rong Is The New Write

February 4th, 2020 at 11:57 am BST

"I'm never wrong! One time, I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken!" Shyt joke I know *hangs head in shame* But today I want to look at why your fear of being wrong and wanting perfection is killing your bizness... I see it everyday people don't w ...