Subject: Why Being Rong Is The New Write

Why Being Rong Is The New Write

October 5th, 2020 at 10:42 am BST

"I'm never wrong! One time, I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken!" Shyt joke I know (hangs head in shame) But today I want to look at why your fear of being wrong and wanting perfection is killing your bizness... I see it everyday people don't w ...

Why my poo don't stink 💩

October 2nd, 2020 at 2:18 pm BST

So this morning I was thinking about you on the toilet... Well not about you being on the toilet, but instead I was on the toilet while thinking about you... Either way, it doesn't sound great does it... Anyway, have you ever noticed that while you'r ...

Are You Following Newbies in Guru Clothing?

October 1st, 2020 at 12:39 pm BST

It's a violent disease spreading like chlamydia on spring break Every wanna be guru is reading a cow crap "get rytch quick" report then re-writing it in their own words and claiming ex-spurt status It makes me sick to the pit of my gut... But it's no ...

I was busting my ass 😪

September 30th, 2020 at 10:00 am BST

Hey, I woke up today in pain, sore all over. When I heard the alarm go off the last thing I wanted to do was get up and head to the gym But I did it anyway When I got there I looked at myself in the mirror with a disappointing glare I was not yet whe ...

Lessons from murdered mum, living double life

September 29th, 2020 at 10:42 am BST

I recently read an article about a not so sweet mum of the night... =================== "A married mother who was murdered while leading a double life on an adult website was spotted in a liquor store buying absinthe and whiskey eight hours before ...

I got drunk with Hippies, criminals, and internet millionaires

September 28th, 2020 at 10:00 am BST

This internet marketing/online bizness journey has taken me on a wild ride. From working with convicted criminals, dinners with millionaires to breakfasts with a hippy. Well, today I want to tell you about the hippy. I first met him at a private even ...

I've been scammed and cheated... What now?

September 25th, 2020 at 10:00 am BST

A subscriber writes to yours truly... ========================== "I’ve been at this since Dec 2016 and have spent a lot of money trying systems, I’ve been lied to, mislead, scammed and cheated. I’ve sat through clickbank university, Aspire, [ ...

Instagram has made you fragile

September 15th, 2020 at 1:01 pm BST

"If you ever have to choose between status or substance, choose substance." Peter Thiel said that. He was the founder of PayPal, first investor in Facebook and he's a Billionaire. What I'm saying is, he's a smart guy and that quote had me contemplati ...

The Covid Ramblings of an internet schemer

September 14th, 2020 at 2:49 pm BST

Have you ever had the feeling you have no idea what you're doing? Sometimes I feel that way too. In fact as I sit here writing to you I feel that way right now. What the hell should I put in this email? Am I just writing for writings sake or will thi ...

Let's have a chat - Real talk! 📞

July 22nd, 2020 at 12:53 pm BST

In the famous words of Slim Shady... "You wanna battle? You beat around the bush Like you're scared to lick [MEOW] so you eat around the tush" I aint trying to battle anyone but I aint beating around the bush either. I created the Educated Rebel Soc ...