Subject: Daily Tip from Dottie
Daily Tip from Dottie
April 30th, 2020 at 7:15 am ESTHonor what you are feeling. If you are feeling good, add more of it to your day. If you are feeling down, or sad, notice it and seek a better feeling place to help shift you. It doesn’t take much and you can be in a better space. Like seeing a pict ...
Daily Tip from Dottie
April 29th, 2020 at 7:28 am ESTFood is medicine. Eating high quality food benefits your body. How can you ramp up the quality of food you are eating? - Dr. Dottie Hager #DreamBig
Daily Tip from Dottie
April 28th, 2020 at 7:45 am ESTHealing your body image is about practicing more self-love. What needs to be accepted, acknowledged and appreciated about your body? Is trying to look perfect getting in the way of loving who you are? - Dr. Dottie Hager ...
Daily Tip from Dottie
April 27th, 2020 at 7:44 am ESTHow can you reshape your life where it is rooted in compassion, gratitude and harmony? Think about where you want things different in your life. Are you fighting what is? Change the energy. Let go of the resistance. - Dr. Dottie Hager ...
Daily Tip from Dottie
April 24th, 2020 at 7:43 am ESTWish my Bo “Happy 70.” What are you celebrating today? Think about how you can make each day special and have different celebrations about the magnificent things happening for you. - Dr. Dottie Hager ...
Daily Tip from Dottie
April 23rd, 2020 at 7:42 am ESTTreasure your well-being. How are you nourishing your mind, body and soul? Think of 3 things you will do today that give you pleasure. - Dr. Dottie Hager #DreamBig
Daily Tip from Dottie
April 22nd, 2020 at 7:40 am ESTList 5 bright spots of life. How can you add 5 more in the next week? These are places that brighten your day. - Dr. Dottie Hager #DreamBig
Daily Tip from Dottie
April 21st, 2020 at 7:39 am ESTKeep hope alive in your life. List some mantras or beliefs you have that to keep you going. Example: Life is for me. Exercise keeps me healthy. - Dr. Dottie Hager #DreamBig
Daily Tip from Dottie
April 20th, 2020 at 7:38 am ESTScientific evidence is so strong on the benefits of meditation. How can you begin a practice or add to what you are doing? - Dr. Dottie Hager #DreamBig
Daily Tip from Dottie
April 17th, 2020 at 7:40 am ESTIt’s important to nourish yourself. One of the ways to do that is by being more whimsical and lighthearted. Find 3 ways to do that today. - Dr. Dottie Hager #DreamBig