Subject: Awesome Person Who Can Do Rad Stuff!
Awesome Person Who Can Do Rad Stuff!
January 30th, 2019 at 5:00 am ESTHola Friend! Have you seen Steven Spielberg's recent movie, Ready Player One? It's a futuristic movie that has a lot of people wearing the Virtual Reality goggles and one f ...
Save The Dates! 10 Year Anniversary Celebrations!
January 29th, 2019 at 11:50 am ESTHi Friend! Saturday, my party board, Pete, Julie, Madeline and Christine, are going to work out and then map out the party planning. If you'd like to participate reply and le ...
P2 Overview
January 28th, 2019 at 5:54 pm ESTHi Friend! Talk about putting out fires. We had no washing machine for 8 days and today it got fixed. Darn pick sock, hair ties, cleaning rags and hanger clips for pants, wer ...
(Correct Links) RSVP for P2, PM's, C3 Movement Screens & ND
January 25th, 2019 at 2:01 pm ESTHi Friend! I screwed up twice.1. I scheduled the RSVP for today, Friday @ 1pm, instead of yesterday, Thursday @ 1pm.2. I included links for a 2018 private measurements, whi ...
RSVP for P2 Private Measurements, C3 Movement Screens and the Nutrition Discussion!
January 25th, 2019 at 1:00 pm ESTHi Friend! First snow and ice and then rain and 50 degree weather. Life sure is interesting. And Friday wraps up Phase 1 with Phase 2 starting on Monday (that was fast), wh ...
Can You Go? Stop showing up vs. Keep Showing Up
January 25th, 2019 at 5:00 am ESTHi Friend! I was reading this really interesting case study in Ellyn Satter's Book, Your Childs Weight, Helping without Harming, about a boy named Marcus, who was an outlier ...
Cardio Minutes
January 22nd, 2019 at 11:58 am ESTHi Friend! Wow. What an interesting holiday weekend. First real snowfall of 2019, holiday weekend, Patriots win and crazy ice with freezing temperatures. It sure doesn't get ...
Values, Goals and dilemmas!
January 15th, 2019 at 5:00 am ESTHi Friend! Today is one of those internal dilemma days, where your guts are going back and forth and your head is going back and forth over right and wrong, what to do and ...
Distractions, Low Information Diet and Crusty Bread
January 11th, 2019 at 5:00 am ESTHi Friend! Vanessa and I are still fine tuning our 2019 goals and scheduling them, so 'tis the season to reflect, dream, record, plan and take action. DistractionsAnd on ...
Hardy Habits to Light Your Action Taking Fire!
January 9th, 2019 at 5:00 am ESTBuenos dias Friend! We sure got lucky with yesterdays snow dusting. I'm fine still working on my 2019 goals and beyond over here and you're probably doing the same or alread ...
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