Subject: Can I be real with you?

Can I be real with you?

May 9th, 2023 at 8:00 am CDT

We keep talking about it. You keep trying to find it. Yet you never quite get it. What is “it”? The ever-elusive work life balance. I’m known for my blunt honesty so let’s rip the band-aid right off… Work-life balance doesn’t exist (at le ...

What room are you in?

May 2nd, 2023 at 8:00 am CDT

Women often talk about wanting a “seat at the table”. But before even thinking about pulling up a chair to the table (or breaking the glass ceiling of any particular room), you'll want to ensure you're in the right room. Because getting a seat at ...

Do it anyway, Friend

April 25th, 2023 at 8:09 am CDT

I don’t like being on video (it feels SO awkward). And I can’t stand hearing myself speak. Nor do I enjoy looking at pictures of myself. And yet I:Hold video workshops and trainings.Hear my voice all the time (while editing my podcast).Post photo ...

Do it anyway, Friend

April 25th, 2023 at 8:00 am CDT

I don’t like being on video (it feels SO awkward). And I can’t stand hearing myself speak. Nor do I enjoy looking at pictures of myself. And yet I:Hold video workshops and trainings.Hear my voice all the time (while editing my podcast).Post photo ...

Did you see this?

April 20th, 2023 at 4:01 pm CDT

I'm popping into your inbox one more time this week to ask a favor, Friend. Did you see my request earlier this week to fill out this quick survey? Not only will you be helping me out (for which I'm grateful) but you'll also be helping yourself out t ...

What do you want more of?

April 18th, 2023 at 8:00 am CDT

What made you join this newsletter?What would you like more of within it (and less of too)? I'd love to know so I can give you more of what you want moving forward, Friend. Please fill out this quick survey to let me know. Not only will you be helpin ...

What is success to you?

April 11th, 2023 at 8:00 am CDT

I skipped dates and parties to study, asked questions often in class and attended every tutor time my professor held. I’ve never been so happy to receive a passing grade (even though it’s the worst grade I’ve ever gotten in anything). [I’m pr ...

What you should know about coaching

April 4th, 2023 at 8:00 am CDT

Be authentically you.Discover your best self.Unlock your fullest potential. This is typical coach-speak for what coaching can do for you. But what do these things mean, Friend? I’m a coach yet can’t tell you. Because it depends - on your values, ...

Not possible (so you can let go)

March 28th, 2023 at 8:00 am CDT

I shouldn’t have to do this any more. [Said a client who had recently been promoted to partner about an administrative task that needed to get done]. I’ve heard this again and again throughout my career. You get to a certain “level”, and thin ...

What you deserve to feel

March 21st, 2023 at 8:00 am CDT

Energized. Effective. Impactful. It’s how you want to feel. How you want to BE. And what you deserve, Friend. And yet, if you're like most high-achievers, you probably feel: Rushed.Overextended.Unmotivated.Exhausted.Unfocused.Reactive.Scattered.Sur ...