Subject: [Christian Concepts] How To Grow More Confident 🦋

[Christian Concepts] How To Grow More Confident 🦋

January 29th, 2023 at 1:56 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Who wants to be confident? Everybody does That's because possessing confidence means you have resilience, reliability, and strength. We are all familiar with what its opposite involves: self-doubt, insecurity, and discourag ...

[Christian Concepts] Proactively Pull Triggers to Prevent Pushing Buttons 🦋

January 22nd, 2023 at 4:34 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? I have been triggered. You pushed my buttons. Why are you angry so often? Stop doing things that make me angry. How often do you hear or say these phrases? Being triggered has the idea of releasing a trap. Unresolve ...

[Christian Concepts] 3 Ways Two Identities Become One 🦋

January 15th, 2023 at 2:30 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? How can two people become one? The key to understanding God's design for marriage is understanding the word "one." One what? God is not expecting two people to become one person. He wants them to learn how to be on one and ...

[Christian Concepts] Choose Faith When All Seems Pointless 🦋

January 8th, 2023 at 9:16 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? What is it like to walk by faith? When I purchased my house, I wondered if I was making the right decision. I said as much to my realtor who was quick to reply, “You won’t really know until you’ve lived there a while. ...

[Christian Concepts] God Always Remembers Who You Truly Are 🦋

January 1st, 2023 at 2:05 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Do you remember what you looked like when you were sixteen? The older you are, the more difficult it will be, unless you look at a picture. But God knows exactly what you look like in your prime. All of us begin aging ...

[Christian Concepts] Perspective Matters More Than You Think 🦋

December 18th, 2022 at 4:27 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Jesus reveals the ultimate perspective on life with His statement “…seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33 ESV). A perspective is one view from on ...

[Christian Concepts] Remember Your Past For A Healthy Present 🦋

December 11th, 2022 at 4:23 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? How does remembering your past help you today? Think of re-membering as bringing scattered parts of your life together. It's like gathering the parts of a jigsaw puzzle and assembling them together where they belong. Go ...

[Christian Concepts] Is Your Forgiveness Incomplete? 🦋

November 20th, 2022 at 2:49 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Forgiveness is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. It heals conflict within people, between people, and between people and God. Forgiveness removes bitterness, a cancerous blockage that infects and destroys people and ...

[Christian Concepts] 3 Signs Of A Healthy Emotional Life 🦋

November 13th, 2022 at 3:44 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? No one likes to feel pain but facing pain is the only way to a healthy emotional life. Everyone has some uncomfortable memories. It’s never fun to remember them, but it is rewarding. Those who don’t face them leave a mi ...

[Christian Concepts] How to Live Worry Free 🦋

November 6th, 2022 at 2:18 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Worry is an automatic behavior for many people. It's an attempt to control something that cannot be controlled. Therefore, the more you worry, the more frustrated you'll become. There is plenty in life that happens agai ...