Subject: [Christian Concepts] Are You Super Needy Or Not Needy Enough? 🦋

[Christian Concepts] Are You Super Needy Or Not Needy Enough? 🦋

October 30th, 2022 at 4:29 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Hyper-focusing on problems (being too needy) can be detrimental. It can generate mistrust and anxiety. But denial (not being needy enough) is deadly. If you don't know that you are sick or you won't face that you are sick, ...

[Christian Concepts] Move Beyond Depression Guaranteed 🦋

October 23rd, 2022 at 3:30 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? The recipe for deep depression is a combination of pain and hopelessness. Without pain, hopelessness has no teeth. Suffering becomes avoidable. With hope, pain can be endured. Here also suffering becomes avoidable. A person ...

[Christian Concepts] Is Emotion an Obstacle or a Bridge? 🦋

October 16th, 2022 at 2:57 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Does emotion hinder or does it help? To many people, emotion is a pointless burden. It seems to linger purposelessly forever like a plastic bottle in a landfill. Obstacles impede progress. You must expend more effort to ...

[Christian Concepts] Supercharge Growth With 5 Therapy Goals 🦋

October 9th, 2022 at 2:58 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? People choose counseling to improve their lives. To grow requires completing the transition from childhood to adulthood. Children lack the ability or initiative to choose for themselves. True adults initiate decisions and l ...

[Christian Concepts] Break Free From Suffering Needlessly 🦋

October 2nd, 2022 at 2:19 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Everybody suffers. Some suffering is necessary while other suffering is needless. If I told you I am suffering needlessly, what adjectives would you use to describe me? Perhaps you'd think I was foolish or masochistic? ...

[Christian Concepts] Use Your Inspiring Identity For Good 🦋

September 25th, 2022 at 4:06 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Your identity is God’s gift to you so you can enjoy God and His creation. God also made you for others’ benefit. So, what good is your identity if you keep it hidden? No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a ...

[Christian Concepts] 4 Breathtaking Ways God Responds To Pain 🦋

September 18th, 2022 at 3:19 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Pain in this life up until heaven is inevitable. When times are good it’s easy to forget that and instead expect life to be pain-free. Then, God becomes the bad guy. Job and Jonah learned this but in different ways. J ...

[Christian Concepts] Sensible Risk With God As Your Safety Net 🦋

September 11th, 2022 at 5:38 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Are you a risk-taker? That depends, you might say. For some people, the risk is almost always worth the reward. They take a leap forward. They see staying at the same spot as even riskier than the unknown that lies ahea ...

[Christian Concepts] God Is The Only Place Of Safety 🦋

September 4th, 2022 at 4:52 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? How do you define safety? What is a safe place for you? A safe place has some element of predictability and consistency. What do the following have in common? Trying to squeeze water from a rockExpecting a promotion ...

[Christian Concepts] Correction Is Amazingly Hopeful 🦋

August 28th, 2022 at 9:56 pm EDT

How are you doing, Friend? Correction isn't possible without patience. That's because correction focuses on what is best for people who have errored. The opposite of correction is being lenient or harsh--it's the sweet spot between the two. Lenie ...