Subject: Vertical Bar Pull-Ups for Lat Width (advanced)

Vertical Bar Pull-Ups for Lat Width (advanced)

December 30th, 2022 at 4:48 pm EDT

If you want to develop wider lats, you do wide-grip pull-ups. And if you want wide-grip pull-ups to work even BETTER for developing wider lats, you do THIS exercise. Check it out here - Two Vertical Bar Pull-Ups Nick ...

Get muscle cramps? Trouble sleeping? Stressed out?...

December 29th, 2022 at 7:26 am EDT

Then you 100% need THIS. I won't keep you in suspense. It's magnesium. And it's the one supplement that I absolutely recommend you take if you... 1. Get muscle cramps Magnesium is the relaxation mineral, that ...

This leg day method will leave you on the a good way...

December 28th, 2022 at 5:26 pm EDT

(yes, there is such a thing) Now, the Front Squat is a great exercise for building strength in the quads. However, in my experience, it's not always great for building MASS in the quads. This is because the qu ...

I choked on my water laughing when he said this (not making it up)...

December 28th, 2022 at 11:35 am EDT

"I had one guy, 50 years old, use this stuff and tell me after a few days he would wake up in the morning and feel like he could dent a car door if he walked into it wrong." I'll let you figure out exactly what he meant by that. I sho ...

"felt like he could dent a car door if he walked into it wrong."

December 27th, 2022 at 11:09 am EDT

He said (and I'm not making this up...his words, not mine :)... "I had one guy, 50 years old, use this stuff and tell me after a few days he would wake up in the morning and feel like he could dent a car door if he walked into it wrong." I'll ...

Try this powerful T-boosting herb for 1 cent... (for real)

December 26th, 2022 at 2:50 pm EDT

It's safe, effective and has been used in Chinese Medicine for thousands of years... (I've used it myself and it flat-out works) It contains rare phyto-androgens that support your body's natural testosterone production, which is cri ...

How to get stronger every single day...

December 24th, 2022 at 5:43 pm EDT

The best way to get stronger consistently is with Daily Specialization... This means training one exercise/muscle every single day with very low-volume, high-frequency training (1 set, twice a day, every day). I've done this with body ...

Unlock your "hidden" arm size with EZ bar hammer curls...

December 23rd, 2022 at 5:04 pm EDT

This is a very simple setup for targeting the brachialis muscle using a hammer curl movement. It gives you a unique training stimulus for working this often-forgotten muscle to maximize arm size (it sits under the bicep, so the bigger the br ...

"Pay It Forward" Christmas sale... (I've never done this before)

December 22nd, 2022 at 4:25 pm EDT

For the next four days (until December 26th at midnight), I've got something special for you. I call it a Pay It Forward Christmas Sale ...because, well, it's Christmas and the season for giving. So what that means is when you buy any ...

5 healing secrets of Chinese medicine...

December 21st, 2022 at 12:02 pm EDT

I m sure you ve heard the saying, mind over matter. What about the opposite... matter over mind? This is the prevailing perspective of conventional Western medicine, that treats the physical symptoms of illness without addressing de ...

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