Subject: This will EXPLODE your chest...(in a good way)
This will EXPLODE your chest...(in a good way)
July 31st, 2015 at 5:50 pm EDTI guess I do kinda need to explain that a little bit better... :) This is a KILLER training technique that will BLOW UP your chest by targeting literally EVERY muscle fiber type in your pecs in one extended set. ...
This will CRUSH your chest...(in a good way)
July 31st, 2015 at 5:47 pm EDTI guess I do kinda need to explain that a little bit better... :) This is a KILLER training technique that will BLOW UP your chest by targeting literally EVERY muscle fiber type in your pecs in one extended set. ...
A simple exercise tweak to EXPLODE your bicep growth...
July 30th, 2015 at 6:08 pm EDTIt's for the the Incline Dumbell Curl, which is one of THE most effective bicep-building exercises you can do. It puts a great stretch on the biceps at the bottom and is a key exercise for bicep growth. ...
EXPLODE your bicep growth with this simple exercise tweak...
July 30th, 2015 at 6:05 pm EDTIt's for the the Incline Dumbell Curl, which is one of THE most effective bicep-building exercises you can do. It puts a great stretch on the biceps at the bottom and is a key exercise for bicep growth. An ...
I agree with 2 out of 3 of these "testosterone myths"
July 29th, 2015 at 5:24 pm EDTGot an interesting article here from Muscle Matrix author Ryan Hughes... Your Diet is Murdering Your Testosterone Levels Honestly, I think #1 is a bit of a stretch but the second and third ones are right on the m ...
Get side delts that POP! Try this new "double" lateral raise...
July 29th, 2015 at 2:37 pm EDTThe lateral raise is a very common shoulder exercise. I won't get into it here as I know you're familiar with it. THIS version of the lateral raise utilizes a unique double resistance format, though. You'll use a weight plate with a training band th ...
Want side delts that POP?...Try this "double" lateral raise variation...
July 29th, 2015 at 2:34 pm EDTThe lateral raise is a very common shoulder exercise. I won't get into it here as I know you're familiar with it. THIS version of the lateral raise utilizes a unique double resistance format, though. You'll use a weight plate w ...
July 28th - Pallof Press Abdominal Sit-Ups for a tighter waist
July 28th, 2015 at 4:28 pm EDTToday's Powerful Training Secrets update... Pallof Press Abdominal Sit-Ups Posted July 28th, 2015 This combination exercise targets every major muscle in your core in one shot. It's literally one of THE best waist-tightening exercises I've ever foun ...
3 myths that are KILLING your "T" levels...(see if you agree)
July 28th, 2015 at 4:18 pm EDTGot an interesting article here from Muscle Matrix author Ryan Hughes... Your Diet is Murdering Your Testosterone Levels Honestly, I think #1 is a bit of a stretch but the second and third ones are right on the m ...
Do THIS new exercise if you want a tighter waist...(seriously, do it)
July 28th, 2015 at 2:36 pm EDTThis combination exercise is literally one of THE best waist-tightening exercises I've EVER found. After completing your first set, you will actually FEEL the muscles in your waist pulling inwards and tightening like shrink wrap. It's a very weird, ...