Subject: [READ THIS] Make me an offer on any, some or ALL of my books!

[READ THIS] Make me an offer on any, some or ALL of my books!

November 28th, 2014 at 2:21 pm EDT

So today is Black Friday...and rather than offer you a sale price, I want YOU to determine your OWN sale price. I've got a LOT of books...and if you have some of them already and have been eyeing up a few ...

Get BIGGER Quads in 3 Moves (Quad Workout for MASS)

November 27th, 2014 at 11:55 am EDT

How would you like a smarter way to accelerate your muscle size and strength immediately and at the same time... While also being one step closer to the biggest and hardest guy in the gym? ...

GREAT bodyweight exercise for legs, glutes, and hips...

November 26th, 2014 at 5:19 pm EDT

Now technically, you could call this exercise a Leaning One-Leg Squat ... I like to call these Speedskater Squats because of the position your body is in when you squat down. You'll be doing the ex ...

Got tight hips? This simple stretch will help you move better...

November 25th, 2014 at 5:00 pm EDT

Having tight hips is not fun... ... it limits your mobility, range of motion, strength and it just makes you feel TIGHT and locked up all the time. Howe ...

Can you SPLIT your muscle fibers with this training...

November 24th, 2014 at 5:44 pm EDT

Muscle fiber hyperplasia is one of THE single most powerful concepts when it comes to building muscle. It means splitting muscle fibers into MORE muscle fibers, rather than just growing the size of the ones you've got. If you stop and think about th ...

Can you actually SPLIT your muscle fibers with this training?

November 24th, 2014 at 5:42 pm EDT

Muscle fiber hyperplasia is one of THE single most powerful concepts when it comes to building muscle. It means splitting muscle fibers into MORE muscle fibers, rather than just growing the size of the ones you've got. If you stop and think about th ...

Last chance to get your free muscle gifts!

November 24th, 2014 at 12:15 pm EDT

Hey, just a quick reminder email to let you know that St. Nick has hooked you up with some FREE muscle-building gifts from 6 authors (and myself!) But the page with all the gifts will be pulled down tonight... ...

Breathing wrong while training? Here's how to fix it for max power!

November 23rd, 2014 at 12:24 pm EDT

I know it sounds stupid to say that you could be breathing wrong... Yet EVERY SINGLE REP you do could be leaking power and strength because your breathing pattern is not optimal for the exercise you're doing. In fac ...

Fix your's costing you POWER on every rep!

November 23rd, 2014 at 12:21 pm EDT

I know sounds stupid to say that you could be breathing wrong... Yet EVERY SINGLE REP you do could be leaking power and strength because your breathing pattern is not optimal for the exercise you're doing. In fact, some exercises actually require ... to ENJOY it without guilt...

November 22nd, 2014 at 5:37 pm EDT

Do you love bread? ...a flaky croissant with melted butter ...crispy English muffins and sausage in the morning ...or maybe fresh garlic bread dipped in a warm tomato sauce. Great, I'm drooling like Hom ...

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