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ClientsList of all clients and potential clientsdgscal_clients2024-02-28 17:00:00
by Ken Desai
Free 5 Day Home Buyers ChallengeThis is a Free Challenge For Future Home Buyers Seeking To Purchase A Home Before The Holidays!freehomebuyerschallenge2018-10-08 11:05:00
by 850 Club Credit Consultation, LLC
Home Renovation Planning GuideFor subscribers who requested the planning guide for Major Home Renovationslm_home_reno_planning_guide2023-12-14 08:44:12
by Martin Kolarik
Justin Chamness' KC Property DealsThis is Wholesale Real Estate Property Contracts for Sale! First Come First Served! Serving Kansas City!kansascitywholesalepropertydeals2023-06-17 23:53:28
by Justin Chamness (Support)
NewsletterPeriodic Newsletter Sharing information about the most current news in Real Estatenewsletter_20172022-09-07 18:55:21
by Francesca