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Breakfreefromplastic Membership Master List#breakfreefromplastic is a global movement envisioning a future free from plastic pollution. These organizations & individuals share the common values and goals by signing on the pledge.breakfreefromplastic_movement_members2024-07-25 06:28:51
by Break Free From Plastic
Sacred Feminine Awakening / New Dream FoundationYou signed up to receive guided meditations, ceremony notifications and other information about the Sacred Feminine from New Dream Foundation and/or 09:53:00
by Misa Hopkins
Love of Football BuyersLove of Football Buyerslove_of_football_visitors2017-08-11 11:05:15
by Vote Redneck
Twins of Faith MelbourneTwins of Faith is an Annual Islamic Conference run around by world by Mercy Mission.twinsoffaith_melbourne2024-03-30 06:06:07
by Twins of Faith Melbourne
UCC eNewsWeekly newsletter about what's happening around Unity Church of Clearwater.ucc_newsletter2024-07-25 21:43:44
by Russ