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Pol'and'Rock Festival UpdatesPol'and'Rock Festival Updatesmaile_po_angielsku2020-07-30 22:13:56
by Fundacja WOŚP
Chinese Resource Ministry - English email listSimplified Chinese evangelistic and Christian growth materialsafcresources_english2024-07-20 00:15:00
by 基督使者協會
Spencer Regional Healthcare FoundationThe Spencer Regional Healthcare Foundation works with caring individuals and organizations who wish to make a difference by contributing toward enhancing health care services provided in our region.foundation2020-02-27 20:55:24
by Spencer Regional Healthcare Foundation
Daily SuccessDaily Success is a program designed to help individuals and families develop and maintain the spiritual discipline of Scripture meditation. A series of 343 daily e-mails are sent for 49 weeks and focus on applying one command of Christ each week.daily_success2023-10-25 17:15:00
by Daily Success
dfwsrfmeditationgroupDFW-SRF Meditation Group Newsletterdfwsrfmeditationgroup2024-06-30 20:39:52
by DFW-SRF Meditation Group