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Sacred Feminine Awakening / New Dream FoundationYou signed up to receive guided meditations, ceremony notifications and other information about the Sacred Feminine from New Dream Foundation and/or 16:36:20
by Misa Hopkins
2022 Anglican Church PartnersThese are Anglican Church partners who have gave in 2015 or later. These emails were pulled for the 2022 World Mission Sunday email.2022 Anglican Church Partners2022-02-16 14:10:00
by Diana Eaton
JesusinBible DevotionalsWeekly Bible devotionals from Jabez Muthyalajesusinbible2024-06-18 05:30:00
by Jabez Muthyala
Capitan Public LibraryThis is the email list of all the patrons in Biblionix/Apollo database for the Capitan Public LibraryCapitanLibrary2023-05-23 22:02:21
by Capitan Public Library