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Divine Mercy for AmericaDivine Mercy for America is a team of prayerful individuals dedicated to praying for our country the way Jesus told St. Faustina Kowalska to pray for her country of Poland in the 1930s. Join the team 23:00:00
by Divine Mercy for America
Keepers of the Water CeremoniesYou receive periodic mailings from Misa regarding your sacred work as a Keeper of the Water Ceremonies.ndf_keepers2023-05-09 20:19:29
by Misa Hopkins
Staf Events and TrainingSign up to find out more about our events and training opportunities.staf_events_training2020-10-08 16:16:17
by Cheryl Leggett
Campus NewsCampus News from the International ALERT Academycampus_news2024-07-22 22:14:37
by IAA Events
Transnational Institute Southeast AsiaKeep up to date on our publications, commentaries and events about Southeast Asia, with a particular focus on Myanmar.southeastasia_transnational_institute2024-06-07 13:01:37
by Transnational Institute Southeast Asia