Subject: {Zoom 101} 💗 meditation bonus (replay excerpt)

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Zoom 101 Workshop - Part 2
BONUS: guided meditation around fear, confidence & anxiety
Hello Beautiful!

I hope this email finds you having enjoyed your day. Mine was full with client calls, errands and open house visits. It was late when I returned home with little time to do a full edit of our Zoom 101 Part 2 replays. However, I could not wait to share a truly transformational element during our gathering.

Prompted by conversation around fear, confidence, and anxiety, I invited Barbara Faison, YIN Sister, and Meditation and Mindfulness ambassador to lead us in a guided meditation. This was also a chance for me to model retreat leadership and attendee engagement.

Click here to log in and access the replays in our new Village home on Kajabi. I think you will love our new home (fyi, the Teachable platform will not close, simply become a Village archive)

Friend, to help make things easy, here's a short, informal tutorial video to walk you through the steps for your first visit  

Once in, navigate to the Spiritual Geek: Zoom 101 Bonus replays. Then set 5-minutes aside to pause, breathe and be fully present with the peace and wisdom of this share. If it moves you, download the .mp3 to enjoy over and over, as-needed.

I'll be back in touch within 48 hours to share the full replays and highlights. For now, enjoy breathing and imagining the connection with your retreat leader sisters.

Wishing you deeper connection with your higher self and your tribe.

From my heart to yours,
Karen McMillan, 300 West 135th St, New York, New York 10030, United States
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