Subject: Christmas is here - and Mindvalley comes bearing gifts

Subject: Christmas is here - and Mindvalley comes bearing gifts


Hi [name],

On the first day of Christmas, Mindvalley gave to me... the power of Positive Intuition with Sonia Choquette. (Plus two free enrollment passes to give as gifts to family and friends)

Pick up your 1st Xmas gift here >>


Mindvalley loves Christmas. Even with a diverse community with different cultures from over 40 countries, it seems to be their favorite holiday of all. And this year Mindvalley is really doing something special...

Over the next three days your Xmas stocking will be stuffed with some of Mindvalley's highest rated courses at the lowest prices ever. (So keep watching your inbox this weekend...)

First up: today Mindvalley offers you the lowest price ever for Sonia Choquette's 'Tune In' course. Sonia is one of the most popular teachers on Mindvalley Academy, and she'll quickly become yours too.

Then: when you enroll in 'Tune In' before 12pm EST on Saturday Dec 17th Mindvalley will also give you two free enrollment passes to give away to family or friends this Christmas.

Here's five reasons why this Christmas will be different:
  • 'Tune In' is a powerful system to unlock your intuition and make your life infinitely more fun and easy

  • You'll be able to tap into your latent intuitive power for an amazing life

  • This is a rare opportunity to have a genuine impact on someone's life with an incredible, top-rated Mindvalley course

  • Today 'Tune In' is only $99 (A 70% discount from the original price)

  • After you enroll, you'll be able to choose two loved ones who you want to send the free enrollment passes to
The value of this offer far exceeds the value of $99, because you receive three enrollment passes for the price of one. - Mindvalley NEVER sold a full course that low before.

Important: Because this is only the first of Mindvalley's 3 Days Of Xmas, this gift is only available until 12pm EST tomorrow.

So please click here to claim your Mindvalley Christmas gift now, before it's too late.


PS: Here's a few of the most frequently asked questions about Mindvalley's 3 Days Of Xmas:

Q. Why are they giving away free enrollment passes and discounting by 70% if they're such great courses?

A. Simple - they love Xmas and we want to give back something to YOU, as a reward for being a loyal Mindvalley fan. And "Tune In" is one of their top ten highest-rated courses (As are the other courses we'll give away this weekend) And of course you're still covered by their legendary customer service, and their 30-day refund policy as always.

Q. What's the catch with this deal - how do these free passes work?

A. No catches - after you enroll, you can choose the two people who you want to give the course to. Then they'll enroll those people in the course, and let them know about their wonderful Xmas gift.

Q. Are these gifts only available to Mindvalley fans & customers?

A. They are available to absolutely anyone - even if the person has never even heard of Mindvalley before, they'll set them up with the full course just as if they had bought it themselves.

Q. Do I get the 2 free passes each time I enroll in a Mindvalley Christmas course, or just 2 passes in total?

A. This is my favorite part of all this - you get 2 free passes each and every time you enroll - so this weekend you could end up with a total of 6 free passes! But your "Tune In" Xmas gift is only available for 24hrs so click here now to get your 2 free passes >>

Q. Do I have to choose the people I want to give the free passes to immediately?

A. Yes, because we have to enroll each person in their course before Dec 25th, we need to get their names within 24hrs of your enrollment.