Subject: Why are Ed Seykota's 3 Key Trading Principles important in 2020?


Ed Seykota is a trading pioneer who championed computerised trading systems in the 70's.

He was one of the earliest traders to focus purely on price action patterns and trading patterns...

...and he famously turned $5,000 into $15 MILLION using the techniques he pioneered.

Here's the MIT grad's top three rules for trading success:

"In order of importance to me are: (1) the long-term trend, (2) the current chart pattern, and (3) picking a good spot to buy or sell. Those are the three primary components of my trading."

Interestingly, those are the exact same principles that determine the success of the Trend Profiteer system.

Trend Profiteer is primarily focused on identifying trends based upon a combination of key pattern indicators. This is exactly what allows Trend Profiteer to send you trade alerts when potential big money trading patterns develop.

The next quote is from Ed's Wikipedia page:

"Seykota improved his system over time... With the initial version of the system being rigid, he later introduced more rules into the system in addition to pattern triggers and money management algorithms."

Again, this is exactly what Trend Profiteer does for you.

Once you accept a Trend Profiteer trade alert, Michael's money management and trade management algorithms kick in, automatically.

In essence, the trade management algorithms manage your open trades FOR you, and they're designed to squeeze maximum profit out of every trend.

It also means you can safely walk away from your computer if you have open trades and know that your system is actively trading for you to your exact specifications.

Our trade management algorithms give you the gift of freedom... something that many traders would die for. And they also take human emotion out of the equation. Simply allow Trend Profiteer to close every trade for you, whether it's maximising your winners, or minimizing your losers.

(Yes, it's a fact that you will lose trades. It's part of the game. The secret is to plan for the losers via your money management and the Trend Profiteer system will ensure that your risk is kept as low as humanly possible.)

It's actually quite hard to communicate the true value you receive when you invest in Trend Profiteer, but it's something you need to experience for yourself to truly appreciate it.

Hopefully this has given you more of an insight into why thousands of traders use Trend Profiteer every day. And why you should too.

If you want to join them, be sure to grab your 90% discount before the Monday deadline.

All the best,

Mike N

P.S. Your ability to get Trend Profiteer with a 90% discount ends tomorrow.


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