Subject: The easiest way to pay your credit card bill

The absolute easiest way to pay off your credit card bill is to wander into a parking lot where Rob Booker and Lou Basenese are handing out cash…

That’s what this woman did…

(Click here to see what happened next) 

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And you won’t believe what she said when Rob gave her enough cash to pay off her bills!

But since you may not find yourself lucky enough to have cash handed to, you’ll want to show up on October 14 at 1:00 PM.

That’s when Rob and Lou are teaching everyone how to reclaim their financial future with a simple secret that’s been proven to work since the Great Depression.

Click here to reserve your seat and see Rob and Lou in action <<

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and Rob Booker’s e-letter (Privacy Policy.) You’ll be able to unsubscribe to either, or both, at any time.)


Mike N