Subject: Have You Recently Lost a Trade You Were Certain Would Be a Winner?

I know I have.  I lost track of how many times I waited for literally HOURS until all my indicators lined up.  Got into the trade and immediately watched the trade collapse all the way back to my stop loss.
I could have set that money on fire and got more benefit from the heat it generated.
So I was more than a little curious when I heard Jeff Glenellis was launching a MasterClass on using Support and Resistance lines to avoid taking up to 80% of those losing trades.  After going through the course, I have to admit:  this is some of the best trading information on the market today.
I had no idea how many different lines tend to develop during the course of a price move, and watching price slam into those lines and move backwards was a real eye-opener! And now that I have those lines on my charts, I know better than to jump into a trade just because my MACD or my RSI tells me now is a good time to trade.
But it’s not just bad trade avoidance.  This class also shows you exactly when, where and how to get into trades that shoot right into profit so that your only decision left is when to take the money and run!
At the end of his presentation, Jeff flat out tells you that if you pass on taking this course, the next time you take a losing trade you’re going to wonder whether this class would have saved you some money (hint: it would have).  Don’t risk another penny on a trade until you know with near certainty that price is going to move in your direction.  Jump over to (link) and get this information as quickly as you can so you can start avoiding the losers and start banking the winners.

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