Subject: FX Scalping Academy Reopens

Hi Folks.

A few weeks ago I sent out a notice to everyone on my mailing list that I was opening a new branch of my business called Forex Scalping Academy.  The purpose of the class was to teach a new way of both trading and thinking when it comes to scalping.  I based the curriculum on an idea shared with me by a former student who was bringing home $160 a day off of a single 4 pip profit trade.  Given the overall dead or dying nature of most trading pairs, this seemed like a better way to approach trading and giving yourself the best chance to actually start earning a  consistent income as a trader.

The reviews were universally positive and pretty much ran along the line of "If you can't make money trading this method, you should seriously consider getting out of forex..." (their words, not mine).

Because the trading room software I use for the live trading sessions only holds a small number of people, I had to limit enrollment to 40 people.  That meant a whole bunch of people who wanted to get some live training under their belt got shut out.

So I'm opening it again to my list only for this last time.  After this class ends, I will put together the final pieces needed to take the class worldwide, using some affiliates I've worked with in the past.  When that happens the price is going to be in the $147-$197 range.

But for this last internal class I am keeping the price where it was for the inaugural session, at just $39.  This is a one-time fee, not a subscription, and there will not be any future billing involved.

I won't waste any more of your time in this letter explaining all the class details.  If you're interested to learn more, jump over to THIS LINK to get all the details and to sign up.

The classes will start at 9 a.m. on Monday, July 21 and run through Friday, July 25th.  Day One will be spent making sure we are all on the same page as far as charts are concerned, and then from that point on we will spend our time looking for trade setups and answering any questions you might have.

For those of you who sign up, I will be sending you a link late Friday morning (this coming Friday, July 18th) which has all the downloads you will need along with some training videos designed to help you get your charts set up properly in advance of the sessions.

So if the idea of earning $100 to $200 a day off one or two incredibly small trades holds any appeal, click the link below and get signed up before all of the remaining spaces are filled.   The last session sold out in 3 days and I expect this session to fill quickly as well, based on the number of people I had to turn away.  So visit THIS LINK and let's get started.


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