Subject: 610% over the weekend (screenshot attached

Can you believe it?


A 610% gain in a single weekend*…

(Click here to see how)


Look at the screen shot from his account...


World class options trader Lance Ippolito entered the trade Friday, June 11th at 3:28pm.


And closed it Monday, June 14th at 9:30am!


While some folks called it a fluke… 


He has opened dozens of trades on a Friday afternoon …


And closed out the very next Monday morning... 


While testing this strategy last year, he opened 33 trades over the course of 4 weeks.

27 of them were closed in the green! That was an 81% win rate. 


And now that he's started sharing these trades with readers…

They’ve closed dozens of winning trades just over the weekend...

139% on RCL

283% on MT

61% on PM

48% on SDC

56% on SKX

35% on UAL

37% on AAPL

34% on DKNG

29% on PRTY

30% on UAL

28% on UAL

46% on X


*Disclaimer: The profits and performance shown are not  typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money


He says it’s all thanks to a strange signal that comes in from Wall Street on Friday afternoons…


A signal with direct ties to the weekend’s biggest news stories…


And for the first time ever…


He’s agreed to share the exact signal and strategy that’s helped him close dozens of weekend winners, like the 610% noted above. 


He is on a personal mission to show 500 regular traders exactly how he's spotted these bangers over the weekend


You can be one of them, click here now!


*Disclaimer: The profits and performance shown are not  typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money