Subject: 30+ Point Days Day Trading Futures

Hi, Friend
A short while ago I let you know about a new charting/indicator setup for NinjaTrader (7 or 8) and TradeStation platforms, and the response has been tremendous.
For those of you who use either platform and haven’t checked it out, I guess you are already pulling down 30+ points in a single trading day.
Traders who switched to this revolutionary trading methods are reporting huge daily gains in their accounts, starting immediately after they made the switch.
One trader caught a pair of 30+ POINT days on consecutive trading days, and another reports she banked 77 points in 3 trades over three trading days.
You know how valuable a full point is when day trading futures.  Making 60 or 70 full points in a week is an astounding amount of money, but it’s something traders are waking up to when trying this new charting method out (and many on their very first day).
Look, you presumably got into day trading futures as a way to make money, but the industry statistics show 85% of all day traders end up going broke.
Don’t be one of them.  Get on board while it’s still ultra-affordable.  
Here is that link again.
To Your Success,
Mike N
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