Subject: [23 Hrs ] Part Time System for Full Time Income..

Hi, Friend
In the last couple of days we've had a running offer that is
ending by midnight today (30 sep) Hawaii Time..
You would get 50% off the most sought after forex system
Why Zenith Harmonic Patterns Scanner?
For the last 11 years as a trader and trading systems
designer, I have had a chance to interact with 1,000s
of retail traders from all works of life across the Globe..

What I have learnt is there are as many successful trading
systems as there are traders.. and here is why..

Whereas Each trader wants to make some pips, those pips
mean different things to different traders..

Even when you have twins who double up as traders
their motivations, their level of desire varies
and even when you give them identical tools at the
end of the month.. their results will vary a little
or even at times by a wide margin..

The point am getting to is, there are people who
make money trading forex and there those making losses

we all want to profit consistently, but I think that's
the wrong approach.. the best approach is to remain
a trader consistently to achieve the goals you have set
for yourself..

I could go on, to write a novel on this.. but the solid
point I wish you to grasp is that the most important element
of successful trading is YOU, Yes You Mike

There is a quote by Mark Twain that goes:
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight,
it's the size of the fight in the dog."

Yes, your desire to succeed, your passion, your
discipline as a trader - determines 70% of how
successful a trading system will be..

Instead of chasing useless EA's and indicators
a good trader with know a great system when they
come across one..

That's why we built Zenith Harmonic Patterns Scanner
A solution that compliments a ready trader who wants to
build a solid career as a professional trader


To Your Success,

Mike N
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