Subject: Hey Friend, How Was Your Weekend?

Hey Friend, hope you enjoyed some good family
time this weekend with your mom and loved ones...

So I just wanted to send you a quick message and see
if you'd be interested in doing a team co-op...

I'm Pretty Pumped to help you get some Free Signups
coming into your business so you have a list of people
to market to... PLUS, UPGroup will be marketing to
them as well on your behalf...

I've been working on a complete system with capture pages,
autoresponder and follow up messages that I think you'll
really like... We just need to get together and go over it
so we're on the same Page... Sound Cool?

I placed a Solo Ad just before the weekend with
a Solo Ad Provider that I know is Really good... 

My UG Free Signups Started Kicking in Today...

I have at least 50+ new UPGroup FREE Signups to market to now...

And I can help you do the same!! >> DUPLICATION RIGHT??

I have a TON of details I want to share with you to help you Rock This Out!

And YES! Kevin Hokoana has got an Amazing co-op
just ahead for the entire UPGroup Nation... (Can't Wait!)

However, at the same time WE can do our own MINI Co-op..

So you interested?? ;-)

I will be using a URL Rotator to distribute our Signups...
Which means we can keep our costs fairly low and still be Productive...
I'm thinking around $50 to $100 per person (in that neighbor)
DON'T Quote me on that, lol

Please reply ASAP! and let me know 
If you're interested or have any questions...

I'd LOVE to get our Mini Co-op Started before Next Weekend!

Lol, I worked ALL night last night and I'm still working... 

But I'm Wide Awake... Wounder Why?

Talk soon.. Enjoy your evening...


Bob Burgett

Cell: 970-584-4264 (text me)
BEST.. PM Me on Facebook at:

PS: I want us to get into the FAST Lane of Profits...
Solo Ads are the Obvious Answer... 

YOU READY Friend??

Lets Make It HAPPEN!!