Subject: youtube views ≠ success {time sensitive}

This may ruffle some feathers...getting lots of views isn't exactly the best indicator of a successful YouTube channel...

Hey Friend, I know you want to increase revenue from your online content, so I think you might dig this...

We are a hosting a live stream later today (Thursday) at 6pm PT to discuss why focusing on the number of views can be a misleading metric when it comes to earning more revenue from your YouTube videos.

** gasp! 😮** I know, I said it....but views don't necessarily equal business growth, revenue growth and/or community growth.

In the live discussion, we're going to lay down why (with proof and examples) getting lots of views isn't the best indicator of success.

We'll also reveal the metrics that truly matter—those that drive revenue and community growth.

So if you've been using views as your main metric for success...

or you've been discouraged with the number of views you get on your videos...'ll definitely want to listen to this!

👉 Click here to watch the live stream on our YouTube channel.

See you soon! 🙂

Auret Esselen

Founders, Essetino Media

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