Subject: your videos on youtube deserve more views...

If you're putting out great educational content on YouTube and wondering why it's not getting the views it deserves, then read this...

Friend, if you release great educational content on YouTube and wondering why it's not getting the views it deserves, then it’s time to talk SEO 😎

YouTube SEO is your key to helping your videos rank higher in search.

When done right, it can help pull in more viewers, subscribers, and engagement across your channel, even for years after your video is posted.

And when I say YouTube SEO, I don’t just mean optimizing your video title, keywords and description...

(although those things do play a role and are important too!)

But as I share in today's video, there are simple steps that you can take at each stage of your YouTube content production to help boost rankings in the search.

Whether your goal is to drive people back to your website, grow your audience, increase your impact or create more revenue, these practical tips will help you boost your video (and channel) performance for the long haul.

Click here or below to watch the video 👇🏻

P.S. If you release educational content and want to see more email subscribers and/or sales coming from your videos, book a YouTube channel audit with us - click here for more info. 

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Auret Esselen

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