Subject: your invite (may 9)

I know you're looking to share your expertise with more people so thought you may wanna see this...

Hi Friend, I know you're looking to share your expertise with more people and make a real impact in your field. And I know you're wanting to get more clients and/or reach a new revenue goal this year (ESPECIALLY in this inflated economy 🤦🏻‍♀️).

That's why I wanted to extend this invitation to you..

This Thursday, May 9th - I'm co-hosting a masterclass with visibility strategist Beth Nydick all about how to implement an infinite yet manageable content marketing/visibility system for your business/brand.

Beth and I decided to host this because there is SO much confusion & overwhelm out there on the social media streets about what to do to market yourself effectively.

And we want to show you that you do not need to do a zillion different things to see success - you just need to focus on the 1 thing that will create the BIGGEST impact and results for you this year.

That 1 thing is to focus on building a video marketing system for your brand on 1 platform and have that be the source of infinite content for all other platforms.

(and I'm calling it 'marketing system' but it doesn't even feel like marketing because you're really just talking about topics you know and love).

With over 139,000+ eyes on our videos every month, feeding into our business, YouTube has proven to be that platform for our business.

Regardless of your niche, I want to teach you how to build this for yourself - in a very efficient and HIGH LEVERAGE way.

And it's not as complicated as you may think.

So in this MasterClass, you will:

  • Understand why you need to be on YouTube if you want to position yourself as an expert in your industry and become known in your field.

  • Learn how to leverage YouTube effectively to systemize your marketing (without it being a time suck), along with what kinds of videos to create.

  • See how to create an infinite content marketing system for your brand (i.e. one piece of content into 10) to attract more leads and sales without doing hours of extra work.

  • Craft a powerful narrative for your brand to capture attention and compel action in your social media marketing.

  • Be able to secure more podcast opportunities & leverage other people’s audiences.

If that sounds juicy to you, then:

Click here to register and secure your spot.

(and if you want to attend but can't make the time, don't worry, we will still be sending out the replay to all those who register)

If you CAN attend, bring your favorite bevvy (aka beverage 😜) and I look forward to spending some time with you on Thursday!

Auret Esselen

CoFounder, Essetino Media

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