Subject: you don't want to risk it...right?

Friend, this will be my last email about this (read below).

With the economy how it is right now, you can’t afford to waste money. And I get it - you're more careful about what you risk your money on, myself included.

This is why I’m only investing in things that are most likely to make me money back.

And that’s why I'm sharing an opportunity like One To Many with you so you can finally launch that course / membership / or similar digital product that will earn your investment back and more.

It's not a risk because so many people have already gone through this program and have come out the other end talking about how much they've earned by putting what they've learned into action.

But I’m going to be honest.

Not everybody who takes the course makes money from it.

  • There are some that don’t want to put in the work...

  • Or they are too scared to become visible...

  • Or they don’t want the hassle of growing an audience...

  • Or they give up when nothing happens after the first few weeks...

But if you don’t mind some hard work at the start and you are consistent, you will make money. And a lot more than the program costs.

So that you can see how low risk, here are some Facebook messages I’ve seen from people that already have done One To Many...

This lovely lady made 3 times her investment in the course back before the course even finished!

Or this entrepreneur - with no prior experience or audience whatsoever - who took some persuading to launch in the first week of lockdown!

And this entrepreneur who launched a couple of weeks ago and sent this in the first few hours:

(plus, the many other written and video testimonials that you can browse through on the program page here)

So don't just take it from me or Lisa that it works - it’s always about what others say.

If it can work for them, it can work for you too.

If you have any desire to create a passive income stream, come check it out and enroll before the doors close in 4hrs.

Rooting for your success,

P.S. My YouTube bonus (1-on-1 strategy call with myself and Jewel to talk about using YouTube to amplify your recurring revenue stream) will also expire when the doors close tomorrow!

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