Subject: what does providing value even mean on social media?

Friend, to grow your social media presence effectively, it's essential to offer "value" to your audience.

You've likely heard this phrase countless times, but what the heck does it truly mean!?

In today’s video, we go beyond the buzzword and break down the different ways that authentic value can take form 😊

You probably haven't heard it explained like this before, but I had a few people say this caused lightbulbs to go off - so I hope it helps you too.

In the video, I share 6 different ways you can provide value to your audience, along with specific examples for social media content ideas.

Regardless of the platform you use or the industry that you are in, this video is packed with valuable (pun intended 😋) insights to help you genuinely connect with your audience and enhance your social media presence.

Click here or below to watch the video 👇🏻

P.S. Next week Friday, I'll be co-hosting a live stream with a special guest on the topic of passive income streams - specifically, how you can use what you already know to set up at least 1 passive income stream (without it taking forever to build). I'll send out another announcement next week to invite you / let you know the time 🙂

Till then, enjoy the rest of your week!

Auret Esselen

Founders, Essetino Media

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