Subject: the most profitable youtube videos you can make...

What has personally been our top 3 most successful types of videos that have produced the most income, leads & ad revenue?

Creating profitable video content can sometimes feel like throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks 🍝

But what if there were specific types of videos that not only engage your audience, but actually get results and drive revenue?

In today’s video, I share what has personally been our top 3 most successful types of videos on this channel that have produced the most income, leads, business and ad revenue 💰

From helpful tutorials to honest product reviews, I'll explain how these videos have made a difference so you can apply these insights to your own channel.

...or click here to access the video, if the image above doesn't show.

Have a wonderful week!

Jewel Tolentino & Auret Esselen

Founders, Essetino Media

P.S. Do you have or want to start an educational YouTube channel? If you'd like to learn how to leverage your expertise on YouTube to grow your audience and your business, this resource will guide you step by step through this process.

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