Subject: profitable examples of digital products

diversify your income streams and monetize your expertise in ways that pay off for years with digital products


Selling digital products can not only help you diversify your income streams and monetize your expertise in ways that pay off for years 💸…

…but when done strategically, digital products can also serve as a way to build trust with your clients and subsequently lead them towards purchasing your higher-ticket offers. 

We’ve sold many different types of digital products - from courses to PDF’s to subscriptions - and I have to say…the initial work is well worth the reward 🏆

I know you’re probably wondering…

What would I even sell?

Where could I sell it?

In this video, I’ll break down the process into 4 essential steps. We’ll go from brainstorming topics and formats to researching platforms like Substack, Gumroad, or Kajabi. This guide is designed to set you up whether you have an existing audience or are starting from scratch.

Click below to watch 👇🏻

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Auret Esselen

CoFounder, Essetino Media

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