Subject: low video views? you can still make a 10K sale...

The story of how a simple video with less than 100 views scored a big win for one of our clients...

Hey Friend,

Does low viewership ever make you question if your YouTube channel can still bring in earnings?

Think again!

YouTube success isn't just about views – it's about strategy.

You don't need a massive audience to have a massive impact.

So what strategies did we implement for our client to go from less than 100 views to a staggering $10,000 sale in their high-end real estate coaching program?

We break it down, proving that authenticity, consistency and connecting with your target audience will beat flashy numbers any day.

Click below to watch the video 👇🏻

I hope this video inspires you or brings you a dose of encouragement, especially during those times when you feel low views won't get you leads or sales 😉

Have a wonderful week!

Auret Esselen & Jewel Tolentino

Founders, Essetino Media

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